Chapter One

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       My best friend Darrell ran into my house. Or, its more of a tent then a house. I stared at him the way I usually do when he just appears out of no where.

       "Hey, Rhianna! Come with me, I just spotted a group of four polar bears over by Capes Ridge!" he said.

        I couldn't believe my ears. "Four polar bears?! Are you serious?! Well why are you telling me? Tell the huntsman!" I yelled while dragging him outside.

       We ran to the other end of our village where the Huntsman's Cabin was.

       I ran right up to the leader, Mario, and said, "Mario, gather all your men, Darrell just saw four bears out by Cape's Ridge!"

       "How long ago did you see 'em, boyo?" Mario asked.

       He bit his lip. "Uh, I'm not sure, probably about 20 or  30 minutes ago."

       "Then we had better get movin'. Come with us to show us where you saw 'em. Billy, Nathaniel, Tomas, Jared, get your muskets and spears! I got me a feelin' we gonna bring back a feast tonight!"

                                     *                  *                *

       Out by Capes ridge we saw no sign of polar bear. No tracks, dens, droppings, nothing.

       After searching a large part of the area we decided to give up.

        We headed back to the cabin. All of us sat in silence for a while until Darrell broke it. "Im sorry guys. I saw them! They were HUGE! And... alittle translucent...?"

       I looked at him like he were crazy. While Mario asked, "Translucent?"

      "Yeah," he answered.

      Mario looked bewildered, then he started mumbling to himself, "Huge and Translucent.... It can't be.... Can it?... But its just a legend. Its impossible."

       "What is it, Mario?" Jared asked. "What Legend?"

       Mario took a breath. "You all know I'm of Eskimo decent. Well, there is an old legend about how animal spirits, know as the Great Spirits, appear at times when they feel their kind is in danger. They try to lead the remaining living ones off to a safe haven." he paused and looked at our faces. Which were begging to hear more.

        He conrtinued, "You, Darrell, I believe have just witnessed the Great Spirit of the Polar Bear leading its kind off to safety. You should be truely honored. Almost no one EVER sees them. This is the chance of a life time!"

        "Oh my God!" Darrell exclaimed. "So, I might have just seen a Great Spirit? Who usually never shows himself?"

         "Uh, YEAH!" i jumped in. "You are so lucky! A chance of a life time!"

        Just then the ice shook and began to crack. I screamed and held on to Darrell.

       Tomas shouted, "What the heck is goin' on?!"

        We all ran outside. Mario looked up into the sky and his mouth dropped. I looked as well, and what i saw was incredible! Ans horrifying all at once.

       The clouds were in the shape of a Polar Bear! But was really strange was that they were moving, as if they were alive.

       "It's the Great Spirit! We have angered it with our hunting! It is going to get rid of us so that there is nothing left for us to harm their population!" Mario shouted against the increasing howling of the winds.

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