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They were close.

Night was falling once again, but they persevered, fuelled by the burning rage that dwelled deep within them. For days they had hunted, and soon they would claim their retribution. No more would they be made a fool, no more would they allow such beast to roam free. Though they were far from Bolham, the greed of civilisation, of man, had not dissipated. They were hungry. They would reclaim what was theirs.

It was not until nearly an entire day had passed, when the sun was at its lowest point, that Charlotte had returned to herself and her face had regained some of its usual colour. Yet still her eyes fell heavy and her words were but a brief murmuring. It was not until hours more had passed before Charlotte made any sign of significant movement on the small bed, as her husband continued to reside by her side for the extensive time.

The babe was barely recognised by the new father, Hale's eyes lacking any focus for anything but his wife. Instead Dante was left to watch over the child.

When Ainslie had been able to drag herself away from Allister's side, she moved to observe Dante's tenderness with the babe. At Clayworth manor there had been no children and the only time Aisnlie had witnessed any was on her ventures into the town which were far and few, and she was not permitted to socialise with any of the townsfolk. She knew girls her age were meant to be already wed and producing heirs, and that women were expected to know how to care for children and family.

It was a wonder she had managed to escape wedlock at all. Her father condemning her to such fate at such a late age in life - eighteen - had become a blessing, as she was now only seventeen summers and away from her father's command.

As the child fussed in the mans arms, Dante cooed and rocked it gently, hoping  - she assumed - to lull the new babe to sleep.

The creaking of floorboards under the weight of a foot pulled Ainslie's attention towards the open doorway, where Allisters wide frame all but filled it. He had changed out of his ripped clothing, and from the sight of the wet hair that licked the nape his pale neck, bathed. But no amount of water could wash away the previous nights horrors.

"I want you out."

Hale's even tone cut sharply through the otherwise silent room. Stilling all other occupants.

Hairs sprung to attention on the back of Ainslie's neck, a chill brushing across her skin. Hale had not removed his sights from Allister, his gaze dark and unwavering. She watched agape as Allister - in complete silence - bowed his head and stepped away to depart. There was an absence of emotion in his expression and his broad shoulders were slumped in defeat. Ainslie's heart thundered against her ribcage, fingers curling in the fabric of her skirt. 

"No!" The words leapt forth before Ainslie could reprimand herself. She flinched under the sharp glare that Hale suddenly directed towards her. But while Allister lacked any semblance of fight, Ainslie was fuelled by it.

Hale rose to his feet, his long, strong legs eating the distance between them furiously until he stood towering above her, his shoulder curving, neck craning as if he wished to consume her very presence.

"No?" He drawled in a low tone that almost vibrated throughout the entire house. The rumbling growl that followed was wild and unhinged, daring Ainslie to defy him. One step forward and Ainslie was stumbling one step back, again and again chasing her across the room until her back pressed against Allister's stiff form. "I offered you sanctuary in my home and this-" his large hand flew violently in the direction of his wife "This is how I am to be repaid? Out!" Hale yelled, veins throbbing in his taunt neck, eyes flashing wide. His thunderous voice cut through Ainslie's core and she desperately wished to cower beneath his savagery.

"Hale," Charlotte's weak rasp cut through the room strong, forcing her husband to whirl towards her. "Hale please," she sobbed, a single hand outstretched toward him, beckoning him closer. "They have no where to go."

Dante and Samual stood rigid at her bedside, the babe buried safely in Dante's arms, cradled away from it's fathers wrath. They did not interfere, only back away slowly as Hale grew closer.

"Charlotte, Darling," Hale almost wailed, a tortured sob caught in his throat. A quivering hand danced delicately along the length of her ashen face, fingers curling around a lose tendril of her knotted hair. "He is a danger to you. You need to be kept safe."

"He did not harm me." There were tears in her eyes as Charlotte cradled her Hales face to her own. "He did not harm me," she uttered in hushed repetition. "They have no where to go."

Hale withdrew from his wife slowly, detaching himself from her with a foreign gentleness that he did not extend to Ainslie or Allister as he turned to them with a snarl across his lips.

"Get out of my sights."

Within a heartbeat Allister was dragging Ainslie by her shoulders, his large hands clasped against her frail frame, dragging them both from the swirling venom that was Hale's gaze. It was when they were both in her room, that Allister shrunk from her once again, moving across the room so that as much distance could be placed between them.

"Allister," his name was a whisper on her chapped lips. The tall brooding man refused to acknowledge her, his gaze locked on the only small window in the room. "Allister," her voice broke. Short, lithe legs carried her across the distance that separated them, her slender hands reaching out to grasp his forearm.

Allister stiffened, and from where she stood she could see the furrow of his thick brows and the downward tilt of his mouth.

"Do ye fear me?" His words were a low murmur. He wouldn't meet her eyes.

Ainslie's hand grazed across his tense arm, falling down to his clenched fists. At her touch his fingers uncurled and he allowed her to thread her hand with his. Yet still he would not meet her gaze.

"You don't scare me Allister. You couldn't ever scare me."

She was not sure herself whether her declaration was a lie or not. She had been terrified the previous night, squared against the beast. But something had snapped within her, be it courage or simply exhaustion. She had survived against the beast, it had not wished to harm her of that much she was certain. For if it had, Ainslie knew she would not still be standing.

"I am the beast, I am nae just a man, I cannae be separate. You should fear me."

The cover at the top was created by orange-3211 so long ago but it's taken me ages to upload. What do you think? Also there's a new official cover for the book too, this one seems more appropriate.

I have actually [FINALLY] returned to this story and have already finished writing it. There's only three more chapters and then it's done. So I'll be posting a new chapter each Monday.

If anyone reads my other story Tainted Faith, I'll also be updating that tonight as well.

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