Chapter 1

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Chaewon's POV

"Please wait for a moment." I said, returning a warm smile to the customer before I turned to one of the many espresso machine behind the counter. I dug deeped into the bag filled with coffee beans and took a handful and placed them in the coffee machine. The red light turning on as I turned the handle, signalling that the coffee beans are ready to be roasted. I slowly twisted the handle and looked at my surroundings.

College students on their laptops, with sheets of papers and review questions spread around the table. Ah... how I wish I could be one of those students as well... On the other side of the cafe, was a small girl, her chin barely reaching the table, stuffing down a piece of red velvet cake. The woman sitting beside her gazed fondly at her, the young girl did some animated gestures towards the woman as she swing the fork around like a wand. Smiling at the warm affection, I turned back and looked at my reflection on the window sill.

Heavy dark circles surrounding the eye, hair roughly tied to a bun with roots and ends sticking out and red lines sprouting near the iris. Staring at my appearance, I sighed. The bakery mixed with the warm scent of baked goods always soothes my mind, but apparently, no not today.

"It's nice," I comforted myself, "making drinks. At least I didn't burned anything like last time." I chuckled to myself. When I first started here, I could barely get my head around half of the drinks in the menu, much less the different types of beans there is. Whoever in the world invented so many coffee flavours, you have my thanks..... Not.

I watched as the little girl step out of the store, swinging hands with the woman as they turned around the corner. The wind chimes near the door tinkled softly in response. I sighed, dragging myself forward to flip the opening sign to closed. Going to the nearest table, I pulled one of the stools, the chair squeaking along the way. I sat myself down, instantly slouching my whole body on the chair.

I leaned my head against my arm, hanging off the small circular table, my left hand traces imaginary patterns on the surface as I gazed as the clock slowly ticked by every second. I lifted my hand to my face, feeling the dry skin under my fingertips. I questioned myself, how could I even go out looking like this? I sighed.

I ruffled my hair in a stressful manner, "Why is my life so boring!" I exclaimed to the deserted cafe, sitting up to a straightened position. "Why couldn't I have been born in an era where there is actually something interesting!" I stared at the tiles below. As if it would give me an answer. Only to be rewarded by the gentle squeaking of the fans that are slowly turning around and around on the ceiling.

"Aish......" Tapping my finger on the table out of frustration. " I want a life full of adventures!" I paused, adding an afterthought "A boyfriend would be nice as well!" The building shook a bit. I leaped out of my seat, clutching my untangled apron to my chest.

"Just kidding! Just kidding!" I looked around, my shoulder scrunching up, "I take it back, I take it back...." I slowly walked backwards towards the counter, swiping some imaginary dust off my trousers as I glanced around "At least give me 50,000 won?" I said with a hopeful glint in my eyes, raising one of my eyebrows up the to the ceiling.

............. Nothing happened. What am I even doing lol...

I sighed once again, throwing the apron over the counter and placed my hand on my hip. I glanced at the clock before turning my head at the speed of light. My eyes literally popped out of their sockets, "It's 6 already! Oh shit, I'm gonna be late to my shift!" I hurriedly ran around the counter, tripping over my feet occasionally to grab my stuff, I rushed out of the cafe entrance, only to hurry back to lock the doors and off I go, run run run down the road, hoping to catch a bus downtown.

~ Timeskip ~

Thanking the bus driver, I quickly hopped out and rushed down the road, avoiding the crowd as I took the side streets, following a familiar route by instinct. Soon, I could see the red and yellow signs that lights up in the dark, the words "OK Chicken" glowing as I rushed through the alley to get to the backdoor.

I slammed the backdoor open and throw my bags down. I rushed around the small room with plain white walls, lockers aligned on the sides and reached for the red apron with the picture of a yellow chicken holding up a sign printed on it, hanging on the walls.

I tugged one down and in the rush as I turned around, I slammed into a chest. I stumbled back for a second and slowly looked up, staring into the eyes of my boss. "Oh! Hi Onew! hehe" as I darted my eyes around the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him tapping his feet, his face unimpressed. "Please explain why you're .... Almost 1 hour late to your shift?" 

I chuckled nervously, with my eyes looking frantically around as I whistled into the air "ummmmm..... I was chased through town by a dog?" I pouted, with my hands clasped together in front of me, hoping that he would let me off the hook this time.

Onew sighed. "You're the lucky one today. Kai is out with his fiance today, or else he would really be chasing you around town." Imagining a raging Kai running down the road with sparks and smoke coming out of him like a fire chicken, I shuddered at the image. Nope, definitely not.

I whined, "I lost track of time! You know I'm always the last one at the cafe to deal with the mess." He chuckled and put on his signature eye smile, "Since you mentioned that......" still with that smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously

"Then you could.... Help deliver this!" He exclaimed with a wide smile as he brought like dozens of chicken takeaway boxes. My jaw dropped, where does he even get that lot out?

I grimaced at the amount of order, he only kept on smiling at me. I slouched my shoulders. "Yes... yes.... I will go deliver them......" As I grabbed the boxes from him and exit from the back door again, clouds form on top of my head as I think about the number of roads I have to cover late to the night. Onew laughed and ruffled my hair as I passed along, "Better not keep the customers waiting." He said and I glared at him. He only laughed in response and throw me a helmet. I rushed to catch it before it falls to the ground whilst balancing the larger order in one hand.

"I could have dropped it!" I huffed. "But you didn't, besides it's called balance training." He retorted. He slapped my back roughly, making me stumbled a bit. "Hurry now! Hurry now! Or the customers would be getting their order by tomorrow afternoon." "Oh please, I'm the most reliable worker you could have, how hard can it be to deliver a few orders?" I shouted back as I'm out of the door. What I didn't know at that time, was that perhaps, I wouldn't be able to deliver those dozens of chicken anytime soon.

I carried those boxes of chicken grudgingly to the motorcycle leaning against the wall. I dumped them into the compartment behind the seat and fastened my helmet on my head. I placed my boots down on the side and give a hard push, the motorcycle zooms forward, leaving trails of smokes behind.

I ride steadily up a hill, swiftly avoiding various cars and trucks, it was slowly coming to traffic period as people are going home from work. I inwardly cursed, it's going to take a lot longer than I expected. I slowed down to a stop on the red light, and I took this time to scan through the address of the many customers. At least Onew was kind enough to slip me the paper before he kicked me out.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a honk behind me and I looked up, the green light was on. I quickly started up my motorcycle again. As I continued up the hill, a light so bright shined on me, blinding my eyesight momentarily. On instinct, I let go of the handle and tried covering my eyes with my arms before losing control of the motocycle. I tumbled out of my seat and rolled down the steep road. I struggled to open my eyes. Every single part of my body hurts, my head is throbbing painfully as I tried to stay awake while rolling down the road. I slowly twisted my head to the side, wincing every bit of the way. Spots started to cover my vision and my ears started to ring. I started getting dizzy and .....

everything turned black. 

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