Chapter 1

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          Amy was standing in her travel trailer wating for the results of the little white stick. She had been feeling off lately and realized yesterday that she was over a week late. As she stood watching her cell phone timer count down her mind wondered two months back.
          Amy jumped when her cell phone timer went off. Her heart was pounding and her hands  were shaking. She walked over to the counter and looked at the stick. When she saw the little pink very clear plus sign she cried. How could she have a baby now? She and Ty weren't even married yetand both of their careers were just starting to really take off. It was a horrible timing. She didn't know what she wanted to but she did know that she couldn't tell anyone yet. Ty would want to keep it she knew he would. Plus if ahmed found out he would most likely send her home. She quickly hid the stick in the bathroom drawer and walked out to to the makeshift stables. She was just tacking up a horse when ahmed came over to the stall. "Amy is there anyway you can come look at aladdin the stallion two stalls down" "of course what seems to be the problem" "He keeps getting freaked out by loud noises. I don't understand why he hasn't ever had a problem before now" "ok I'll take a look at him right away" ahmed walked into his trailer and amy went to Aladdin's stall. He was beatiful. He reminded amy of spartan. Amy slowly opened the stall door and walked in. "Hey boy" she kept her voice quiet and walked slowly. The horse looked at her and whinned. Amy held her hand out for him to smell. He did and nuzzled his head against her hand. She petted his neck. Then a handler was getting another horse out of a stall and accidently knocked over a rake. Aladdin reared up and amy feel backwards. Aladdin's hooves came down on Amy's ribs. She screamed out in pain. A few crew members quickly pulled her from the stall. They were asking her questions but all Amy could think about was the little life growing inside of her. An hour later Amy was laying on a bed in the emergency room. Her adeline had been pumping until now. Now she was worried about her unborn child. She was supposed to protect it and now Amy didn't know if it was still alive. Amy looked at her cellphone which was on the beside table. She wanted to call Ty. She wanted to tell him everything and for him to come and tell her everything would be ok. But she couldn't. However she needed to call someone and at least tell someone at heartland what had happened. So she picked up the phone and called the house line.
It rang twice until someone answered "hello heartland ranch" Amy almost giggled as Katie could barely say heartland. "Hi Katie it's aunt Amy". Amy heard a gasp and then tiny feet running shouting "mommy mommy it's aunt Amy". Amy instinctively put a hand over stomach. She could hear people shuffling until her grandfather's voice spoke to her. "Hi Amy how's Europe" "It's uhh good how's everyone" "fine everyone is just fine. How are you doing. I hope your taking care of yourself" "umm that's actually why I'm calling" she hesitated before telling her grandfather what had happened. "I was working with a horse that was having a problem with loud noises. I was really starting to get him comfortable and someone knocked over a rake. Aladdin went nuts and reared on me and I fell. He came down on my ribs." "Amy you know better than to get in a confined space with a spooked horse. Why didn't you take him inside?" "I wasn't thinking very clearly" " I know you weren't are you ok where are you" "Ahmed made me go to the hospital so I'm in the emergency room. I'm waiting for x-rays" "x-rays it's bad enough that the doctor is ordering x-rays". Amy could hear Ty and Lou asking Jack questions. "Grandpa calm down the doctor says it is procedure. At least that is what I think he said he had a really heavy accent. I just wanted to warn you that the insurance would be getting a bill" "Don't worry about the money Amy. You call me when the doctor gives you the results" "ok I promise I love you guys" "we love you to Amy". Amy no sooner hung up the phone that her doctor came in. She had told him that she thought she was pregnant so he wanted to run a blood test. "Miss Fleming" "yes" Amy sat up in bed. "well we ran your blood test and you are pregnant between seven to eight weeks I would say" "so when would it be due" "March 6th but that is just a guess based on the dates you gave me. A on/gyn could be accurate. "Now I want to get an x-Ray of your ribs to keep baby safe we will put a lead blanket over your stomach" "ok". After another two hours Amy finally got good news. Both she and the baby were fine however she had a fractured rib. Amy felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She was definitely pregnant and she was actually happy now. The idea of losing her baby before even getting to meet it had gotten to her. Now she was excited but really nervous to tell Ty. Ty was pacing around the kitchen. He couldn't figure out how Jack and Lou were so calm. Amy. His Amy had been hurt. He was waiting for her phone call saying whether or not she was ok. Mercifully the land line rang. Lou answered it immediately and put it on speaker. "Hello" "hey Lou it's Amy" "hey Amy your on speaker are u ok??" "Yes I fractured a rib but the doctor says it will heal rather quickly. He just recommended a few days off work. Jack answered her back before. Lou or Ty had the chance. "Are you sure your ok??" "Yes grandpa I'm going to talk to Ahmed about some time off." "Ok Amy just take care of yourself and be careful." "I will" "well Ty is here to" "oh hey Ty" "hey are you sure your ok" "I'm positive I'm fine I promise I love you guys" Lou spoke for all of them "we love you to Amy just do us a favor and be more careful" "I will bye". With that she hung up the phone. Ty had a feeling Amy wasn't being completely honest. Amy wanted to tell Ahmed what was going on he needed to know that she is pregnant since it will effect her job. She realized yesterday that it was her responsibility to take care and protect this baby. So far she thought she was doing a pretty sucky job. She hasn't even been eating well. She normally has no time to cook or grocery shop. So it's mostly take out for her. She realized a growing baby needs more nutrition than that. Plus if she were to get injured by a horse it could kill the baby. So she walked towards Ahmed's office before her shift. He was reading something on his laptop when she quietly knocked. "Amy come in" "thanks I wanted to talk to you about something" "alright have a seat" Amy sat and took a deep breath before she spoke. "I recently found out that I am pregnant" "wow congratulations was this planned" "not at all it took me a few days to come around to the news" "well then again congratulations does Ty know" "no I didn't want to tell him over the phone and he can't afford to fly out here. But it's not something I can put off until November if I'm due in March." "I completely agree how about you go home for a week or two. I have some new horses flying back anyways. I'll get you a round trip and you can fly back with the horses." "Ok thank you so much" Amy could hardly believe what she was hearing. "Really" "yes you need to talk to Ty and I need someone to travel with the horses" "oh thank you so much" "of course and when you come back you can do light training however if something happens feel free to tell me and I can cancel your contract and pay you for your time." "Thank you so much" "well you better go pack you leave in the morning" "alright". Amy practically ran to her trailer in less than forty eight hours she would be back at heartland. Amy was standing at the heartland entrance staring at it. She was excited and nervous but mainly she was excited. She wheeled her suitcase behind her and walked up the driveway. She saw Katie and Georgie standing by the round pen with Lou and Jack watching Ty work with a horse. Georgie spotted her and came running. At that everyone turned and looked at her. Amy caught Georgie in a hug. "Hey Georgie" Amy bent down and picked up Katie and walked toward the round pen while Georgie grabbed her suitcase. "Hi everyone" "what are you doing back" "Ahmed needed someone to escort some horses back I'm only home for a week." "Oh ok" Ty and Jack came out of the round pen hugged her. Ty grabbed her suitcase from Georgie and help her carry it inside and up to her room. As soon as he set the suitcase down he pulled her into a hug. "It is so good to see you" "It's good to see you too". She breathed in the scent of his jacket. "I missed you so much" "I missed you too". Amy pulled away and hesitated. She couldn't keep her secret any longer. "I need to tell you something and I don't know if you will like it." He looked nervous. "Ok" "you might want to sit down." "No I'm good" "ok I'm pregnant". Ty just stared at her for a minute. Amy was actually worried that he had stopped breathing, but then he smiled. "Are you serious" "yes and I know we didn't plan this" she was cut off by Ty's lips. When he pulled away he knelt on the ground and put a hand on her stomach. "There is definitely a baby in there" "yes" she put her hand over Ty's. "This is amazing, you ok with this" Ty looked up at her with a huge grin on his face. "Ya of course I love you and I love our baby" he took his hand off her stomach and placed a kiss there. Amy felt a tear slide down her cheek. She was so happy that Ty was as excited as she was. Amy and Ty went to dinner and told their family. Everyone was excited, but Tim was red faced and took a moment to give his congulations. A few weeks passed and now it's October. Amy is twelve weeks pregnant. Amy and Ty are having a baby girl. Amy turned the computer off and grinned and said "well little girl you are going to be loved." Amy was scheduled to go home in one week and she was excited.

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