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*9 Years Ago*
{Angelina's POV}
I'm Angelina, and 7 years old. Don't think because my name has the word 'Angel', I'm the nice one.

I do not believe in the gods, but the Devil. Gods, there fake. Cmon like gods is in the heaven, heaven, the sky. But sky... is just.. sky. Go over the sky and is space. where the is the heaven that they are saying.

But for the devil, Underworld. Under the world. The place is under our world. That makes sense.

My Favourite things, black, darkness, and weirdly black wings?

Devils are dope, they have special abilities and black wings too.

Nightmares... they sounds scary to the other kids, like my friend Ruby, she's 7 too. She always have nightmares. But for me, nightmares are hella cool!

I do believe the monster in the closet and my parents always closes them before I sleep. But I won't let them do that.

I usually sneakily open up the closet before I get to the real sleep. I wanna see them.

They are cool.

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