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{Author's POV}
Angelina is 16 now. Her parents have been successfully brainwashed her into joining the Christian.

Her thoughts about the dark stuff have gone. She has been going to the church so much that they invited her to join the choir and yea! She did.

Surprisingly, she hasn't been baptized yet. So she's not an official.

{Angelina's POV}
*Woohoo!! Tomorrow I'm getting baptized! I'm gonna be an official!!!!*

*Ugh! I can't wait! I need to calm down. Calm down Angelina, calm down. You're gonna be fine...*


I thought to myself.

Yea I'm getting baptized tomorrow! So let's get some peaceful good night sleep!

I walk back to my room and climbed onto the bed.

*Oh wait, the closet, gotta close them*

I don't like the monster in my closet. They are scary. I remember my parents showed me a monster on the action. They ARE FUCKING SERIOUSLY SCARY! Ugh!

Climbing onto the bed and set my alarm on the phone and set it on my side bed table.

I started to recite the Bible and is sleep time.

*Time to sleep!*

I thought to myself and drift myself off to sleep.

【One Of Us】【K.T.H Short Fan Fiction】Where stories live. Discover now