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The next day I walked into school with a mission. I waited by my locker for fifteen minutes before I saw the person I was looking for.
"Clay!" I called. "Clay Jensen!" He looked up as I called a second time but when he saw it was me he looked away, grabbed his books and started to head down the corridor.
"Don't walk away Clay." I said, standing in front of him.
"Melanie." He sighed, smiling lightly.
"Look Melanie, I've got to go to Homeroom. I'll talk to you later."
"Same, I'll walk with you." I gripped my books tighter, hugging them to my chest.
"So, the tape..." Clay looked up at me before saying,
"Tapes. There's more than one."
"What?" I asked disbelievingly. Clay looked around at the crowds of people that pushed past us as we walked to Homeroom,
"We can talk at Lunch. Meet me in the Cafeteria." I nodded and thanked Clay as he held open the door for me. I sat down in my seat and tried to ignore the stares that I could feel burning into the back of my head and focus on the teacher.
The whole norning I had been preoccupied with thinking about Clay and the tapes that he had mentioned. I also remembered what Tony had told me the night before. What did he mean I was on the tapes. Hannah was my twin sister. I would never hurt her.
I was brought out of my thoughts as the bell rang, signalling lunch time. I all but ran out of the classroom and down the hall. I was about to enter the lunch hall when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Confused I struggled slightly but when I heard the guy speak I relaxed.
"Hey Mel," Zach whispered in my ear. I turned around in his arms so that I was looking up at him.
"Zach." I smiled as he hugged me tighter to his chest. I placed a kiss on his cheek before trying to wriggle out of his arms.
"Sorry Zach, I'm busy. I'll talk to you later."
"Oh, okay. Do you need a ride later?"
"That's fine, I'll walk." I smiled and waved at him as I walked into the Lunch Hall, immediately scanning the tables for the familiar face of Clay. I spotted him speeding towards an almost empty table. When I saw the one person who was sat on the table I made a beeline for it.
"What the hell Tony?" I heard him say.
"Hey Clay. And Mel." He added as I stopped behind Clay who looked up surprisedly.
"You said you'd talk at Lunch." I shrugged as I sat next to him.
"What's the deal? How do you fit into all of this?" Clay asked.
"I'm not on the tapes if that's what you're asking." He replied.
"Did you help her do it?" At this question Tony just looked at Clay in disbelief.
"No, I did not."
"Did you know she was going to?"
"Then how the hell - "
"Listen to the tapes Clay." Tony cut in calmly.
"Is that all I'm going to get?" Clay asked and as I looked at his helpless expression I felt sorry for him.
"Hannah wanted it done like this."
"How do you know?" Clay pressed.
"I can't tell you that. You have to listen." Tony leaned forwards trying to make his point. Clay sighed and sat up straight,
"What if I don't?" He asked. "What if I can't?"
"Then it will only get worse. Trust me."
"Worse than Hannah being dead?" I gasped quietly as Clay said it out loud. I didn't understand why I was so opposed to hearing it out loud. I suppose it made it real.
"I'll see you around Clay. Melanie." Tony nodded at me as he walked away, offering a kind smile which I didn't reciprocate. I just stared at him blankly.
"Tony." Clay called asTony was about to walk away. Tony stopped and looked back patiently.
"Am I side two?" Clay asked brokenly but he recieved no answer as Tony walked away. As soon as Tony was gone I turned to Clay.
"Explain." I ordered. He watched me warily for a moment.
"Clay, Hannah wa- is my sister. I deserve to know what the hell you are talking about. What these tapes are and why the hell I heard my dead sister talking last night." I hissed, glaring at him intently. A few students who walked past cast us odd looks but I ignored them.
"Okay." Clay breathed. "Where do I start?"
"From the beginning. Where did you get the tapes?"
"It was that day when Tony picked us both up. He dropped me off at home and there was this parcel, just sitting on my porch. I took it in and there were a bunch of tapes."
"How many?" I asked.
"Fourteen sides." He answered and I took in a deep breath. Fourteen sides meant Fourteen people. And I was one of those Fourteen. I had to steal Tony's walkman so I could listen. She said - " He coughed and I noticed that his eyes were slightly watery. I smiled at him, encouraging him to go on.
"What did she say, Clay?" I asked gently.
"She said... I- I can't. Look, take this. Listen to the first one." He pushed the tape player into my hand and I looked at him surprisedly.
"Clay, I don't think I can..." I trailed off. "Hearing her voice. I mean..." I looked up at him, feeling that my breathing was becoming harder.
"Uh, Melanie, Mel? What's wrong?" He asked. I pushed the tape player back into his hands desperately.
"Later, I'll listen with you." I then felt the room start to spin.
"Melanie? Melanie?!" I heard Clay calling as I fell backwards and his hands caught me. Then, moments later I heard another voice, one that I recognised.
"Mel. Hey Mel, babe." His next words were then directed at someone else, 'What did you do?" I felt myself being lifted up and I forced my eyelids open. I looked up to see Zach, staring intently down at me.
"Melanie? Hey Melanie. It's okay." He smiled down at me and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I leant my head to the side and I noticed that a large crowd had gathered and Zach was currently trying to push through it. I recognised some of his friends walking in front of us, Bryce and Justin among them. I then moved my heavy head to try and locate Clay. Eventually I found him at ths back of the crowd and I stared at him intently, trying to get my message across before I allowed the darkness to consume me.

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