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I didn't really think anything of it at first. Must have been a tree branch in the wind. But the sound followed me. I was too scared to move. Even to shut the blinds. I was alone that night. My sister, Melanie, had become so much more popular than I would have ever thought. And I was happy for her. Truly. But the thing is... Twins have a sort of sixth sense. They know when their other half needs them. I think Melanie must have turned hers off that night.
*          *          *
"See you tomorrow, Clay." I whispered into the darkness.
"Bye." He replied, semi-awkwardly. I chuckled lightly before creeping into the eerily silent house.
I had just made it into my bedroom and slipped under the covers when the light outside the door flicked on. I held my breath, hoping they hadn't heard me. Moments later their voices floated under the door.
"If we tear this room apart I'm sure we'll find - " my Mom's voice was accompanied by the doorknob turning but the door didn't open.
"I don't want to tear this room apart and I'm not sure I want to fight."
"We have to. For Hannah."
"Honey, our daughter's gone."
"Christ, Andy! I know that. I have to know why. I need to know why! And if you don't I - " She stopped mid sentence. I could only assume Dad had walked away and the door opened slowly. I sat up and looked at her inquisitively.
"Mom?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly.
"Oh, Honey." She sighed, sitting on the end of my bed. I gasped as I felt warm tears drip onto my cheeks. My Mom wrapped her arms around me and I rested my head on her shoulder. It had been so long since I'd had her hug me, truly and tightly.
"I do love you Melanie." She whispered into my hair and I nodded.
"I know, Mom. I know."
*          *          *
I didn't sleep much that night. But of course you know that. But then, the pictures you took that night aren't the reason you're on this tape. Are they? We're talking about one picture in particular.
*          *          *
"No... Way..." I sighed looking at the bikini that Zach had handed to me.
"You're joking right? You better be joking." I warned. I looked at his own outfit, swim shorts and a top with a scuba diving mask and a glowstick around his neck
"What's this thing?" I asked, inspecting it.
"No idea." He shrugged. "It was Bryce's idea."
"Well, I'm not wearing this." I stated.
"Oh, yeah. That was joke. You should have seen your face!" He laughed. I gasped and slapped his arm.
"But I'm your idiot." He smiled cheekily as he handed me some shorts and a cute flowy top to go over the swimwear. He then handed me a pair of ballet pumps.
"And, your very own glowstick." He joked as he put it round my neck.
*          *          *
I walked into the school, feeling Zach's warm hand engulfing mine. I felt a sense of the weight being lifted off me slightly. As though I was unkowingly sharing the weight of all the pain I was trying so hard to hide.
"There he is!" Bryce called.
"Nice work last night, buddy. You can hold your booze." Bryce said, hitting his arm. I rasied an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I bet he puked like a bitch." Zach scoffed and I rolled my eyes slightly.
"Hey, Fuck you Dempsey." Bryce said hitting him.
"You puked on three wine coolers last weekend. "
"Yeah because they were strawberry." He protested. "I'm allergic." He explained and I giggled quietly at his expression.
"Listen I'm having a halloween thing at my place. Super small. You should come. Alex will be there." Bryce told Clay, who watched him nervously.
"I uh, I'll think about it." He nodded.
"What you got something else to do tonight?" Bryce asked.
"How about French?" Tony asked, walking up behind Clay and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You needed help with the homework."
"Why would I - " Tony gripped Clay's shoulder tightly.
"I mean, yeah sure."
"Think about it, Jensen!" Bryce called as the bell rang. I nodded at Clay as Zach pulled on my hand and we walked away down the hall.
*          *          *
It was lunch break when I met up with Clay again. We began walking to the courtyard when suddenly Clay dived to the left, dragging me with him. I cried out in surprise,
"Hey what are you - ?" I asked until I realised where we were.
*          *          *
"You got a real eye." Clay commented after about 10 minutes. Tyler had just entered the room without noticing us sat in the corner.
"Jesus Clay. This is yearbook only. You two are not supposed to be here."
"Really? You're going to call us out on trespassing. I heard your tape."
"And throwing a rock through ny window isn't enough."
"We didn't throw them." I spoke up from the corner, walking to stand slightly behind Clay.
"So what do you want then?" Tyler asked after a pause. I noticed he hadn't once made eye contact with me.
"I want you to delete the photos you took. Delete the negatives. Whatever. You stalked her." Clay said.
"I'm the student life photographer. I stalk everybody."
"Do you stand outside everyone's windows and take photos?" I asked angrily.
"I didn't mean that."
"Well that's a relief. Cause a first time offense is only six months in jail." Clay said coldly.
"I'm not a criminal."
"You are. And you're a creep." Clay's voice was remarkably steady.
"You humiliated her."
"I didn't mean to."
"You ruined her!"
"I loved her!" Tyler protested and I scoffed.
"I know I barely knew her but I - I saw her. Whenever my camera was on Hannah she was like, real. And I fell in love with that."
"Real." Clay sighed. "Why didn't you just talk to her?" Clay asked.
"Why didn't you?" Tyler asked and I frowned, looking at Clay quizzically.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Come on, I stalk everybody, remember? I don't miss much. You loved her too and all you did was watch her from the sidelines. I guess we're not too different after all."
"Delete the pictures Tyler." I said quietly as I grabbed Clay and walked out of the room. I then let go of his arm as soon as we were outside and walked down the hall.
"Melanie, wait!" Clay called but I hurried up and turned the corner. He didn't follow.
*          *          *
All the students were gathered in the gymnasium and I held Zach's hand nervously. There was a small group of finalists stood in the center. All the attention was rather unwanted.
"Breathe." Zach whispered in my ear.
"Not helping!" I hissed as his warm breath hit the shell of my ear causing me to shiver. He chuckled in response.
"Now we're measuring this contest by applause." Courtney called. I jumped on Zach's back as she called,
"Mud divers!" He spun round and I squealed, grabbing his shoulders as Bryce began 'swimming' around us.
"And the winners are, Jessica and Justin!" I cheered along with the crowd as Zach groaned.
"Hey, don't be a sore loser!" I scolded as we watched Jessica and Justin kissing triumphantly.
"We came second." I reminded him." Zach looked down at ne and shook his head with a faint smile then gripped my waist and pressed his lips against mine.

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