three ♡

120 12 5

"don't you think she's pretty?"
manu says, while looking at the cheerleaders passing by the bench the two of us were seated on.


manu scratches his head.
"i think i'll ask her number later"

i always get this weird feeling in my stomach whenever manu talks about other girls. i can't fall in love with him, we're only a pretend couple, and he clearly doesn't feel the same.

"hey, is there something wrong?"
manu turns towards me and looks at me with a concerned look in his multi-colour eyes.

a soft spring wind blows through his hair, making some hazel brown strings fall onto his face over his barely viewable freckles. he looks so goddamn attractive.

he pulls the sleeve of his washed-off jeans jacket a little upwards and then tries to grab my hand but i pull away.

how can he do this kind of things without thinking it has a special meaning? there's no one around that has to think we're dating, so why is he doing these kind of things?

"babygirl, what's wrong?"

can he please stop calling me that?

i turn around, so he doesn't see my eyes slowly filling themselves with tears.

he stares at me for a second, blankly.
"m'kay" he finally says, turning back to admire the cheerleaders.

i hesitate a second but than i decide to leave, i need time to think about the situation.
"i gotta go"

"okay, i guess i'll see you around?"

"yeah, bye"

i grab my bag and my sunglasses and stand up. i give manu a quick kiss on his cheek, almost not touching it.

i turn around and start walking towards my bike.

i hate it when manu's talking about other girls.

am i falling in love?

i don't know.

just as i have opened my bike lock i turn around one last time.

he is staring at me.

as soon as i turn around, manu quickly looks to the other sides and starts ... his hands.
although i can only see a part of his face, i can notice he's slightly reddened.

why did he stare at me?
did it mean something?
does he maybe feel the same?
wait, how do i feel?

there are thousands of thoughts playing in my head as i drive home.

suddenly, my phone buzzes.
i take it out of my pocket and read the notification.

manu rios:
call me when ur home

i'm confused. is there something wrong? is he just concerned? or does he have something important to tell?

before i know, i've arrived at our driveway.

i throw my bike against the old cherry tree in the front yard, as usual.

i drop my pastel yellow backpack on the brick tiles in front of me and search for my home keys, since i'm home alone.

i slowly press the key in the lock and turn it around until it gives an almost unhearable click.

i walk through the hallway, throwing my shoes on the carpet near the front door.

i immediately put on the radio as i walk into the kitchen. i grab my phone and make myself comfortable in the sofa.

manu rios:

calm down, i'll call u in 2

manu rios:

i walk up the white stairs to my bedroom, which is quite big actually.

a pastel pink bed for two, beautifully paired with my soft rose walk-in closet.

i tiptoe over the light wooden floor towards my bed.

calling: manu rios

manu sounds quite happy.

"hi, what's up?"
i'm trying to sound excited.

"cé's throwing a party tonight and she's asked me to come"

i don't know what to say. what does he want me to do now?

i can hear him take a deep breath through the phone.
"i was thinking, maybe you could like, join me..?"
there's a little sense of shyness in his tone.

me and him? going to a party together? cé's party?

i don't answer him immediately, thinking about what i should say.

"y/n, are you there?"
manu sounds more and more nervous.

"uhm yes, sure"

this sucks ikr & i'm so sorry
but ily all
magalie x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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