THIS NEW OPENING IS SO LITTT FAM OMG 💦😂👏👊✊💞🙏👌👍🐤💯🔥💢🍁🔥🌵💢🏀😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 Ok this is becoming a weekly thing lets keep at it shall we
I also found this video
They're legit just screaming at the end Im also kinda disappointed that they've listened to it once and they can sing it a lot better than me and i've listened to it more than 12 times and the only thing I can sing is SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE GAYGE-i mean JAGER
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Just wanted to point out the new chibis next to the kissanime logo its v kawaii
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Gorilla-senpai's gotta thicc ass 😩🔥💯💢😩👍👌🔥😩💯👍👏💦💦👌🔥💢💦✊👊