My Break Up Poem

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I see you, I want you, I love you, but all I know now is that I'm ready
Till you break my heart, till you'll tear it apart.

There are a billion and millions of people in this world and yet you chose me and
I don't understand why.

Is it because I told you my feelings first and you didn't want to hurt my poor soul,
Or was it pity I saw in your pretty eyes instead of love
Just so you didn't look like the bad guy.

So, you're playing this little fake love game
With my big, weak heart and
My bright yet naïve little mind.
Did you put this burden upon your shoulders?
Just to teach me a lesson in life
Called heartbreak.

Well I must applaud you
Because I assure you my heart has been shattered
Along with my mind
So full of questions and thoughts
With my feelings
Beaten and battered.

Will you ever remember the times we shared?
Are you keeping the promise of changing
Or is it another lie just like your love
Can't you see my colors are fading
Or are you too blind with your own problems

I wonder if you have thrown all my love from your keepsake
Everything I say
And everything I do
All of it just for you
Was it all for nothing
All I wanted was your love
But instead left with heartache

Now I hide from you and your pretty eyes

Just so you wouldn't see me cry

Thinking of all those countless lies

Wondering how much of a fool I was to say goodbye

What will I do with all these broken pieces that once was my heart?

And all those precious memories

Along with all the feelings for you still latching on

Could I ever delete the sweet messages from my phone

And erase you from my world

But I must tell you

I already have an idea behind me

Like some sort of vision that my heart created from its shards

Or is it my crazy imagination that made up the paths of my love life

As if my mind is just playing around with tarot cards

I'll go through my rollercoaster of emotions

Depression, Joy, Envy, Anger, and Hope

Going through my life with all the ups and downs

Till I finally meet someone I could truly love

And have my happy end

Yet I could also see a path of pure sadness

Never finding anyone like you

No one who could love me

Where I feel that could very much be the end of my life

But of course I won't find anyone like you

Because no one will be the same
kind of person you are

Instead I can search for someone that shares similar traits

As if it were to be my true fate

I now know that you never deserved my love

Nor did I ever see you try so hard enough to earn it

But I do see the regret in your
pretty eyes

And the look in your face

Wishing to take away the pain you dealt to my heart

Maybe we aren't meant to be

Yet I'm still so happy we tried to share our love together

Maybe we could try again another day

But right now all I wish is to be friends

Giving us the space we need

Yet keeping the love we cherish

Someone told me that people come and go

Like the seasons

So maybe we'll just be strangers once more

Or we'll see each other once in a while

Yes my heart is still very sore

But all I hope is to see your smile

I know deep down in your heart

You still think about me

And still care about me

And still love me

I love you too

So thank you for letting me experience my first love

And my first heart break with you

Cause now I know how it all feels

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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