Take her number

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Ash's Bucket List- Go to the top of the lumiose tower.

Two days later


It was just another normal day. The bright sun was hanging in the clear blue sky as warm wind breezes through Lumiose high.

Sitting on bleachers were Three students, one was a blue haired girl, gazing ahead at the football field while the other two were having a conversation. They've been sitting for the past an hour now and it's nearly the end of break.

Serena POV

"Remind me again why I'm sitting here in the wind, watching a bunch of oafs chase a pig's bladder around the field?" May put into words exactly what I was thinking except-

"They don't make footballs out of pig's bladders anymore," I corrected her, my eyes squinting involuntarily as the shrill wind whipped up flecks of dust from the ground into my pale face. "They're made of either leather or plastic." May gave me a hilariously irritate look and I elaborated. "I read it in a magazine somewhere. Or maybe it was a book, I'm not sure." I finished.

May looked like she was about to fling the book she was reading at me, which was on her lap. "I know they're made out of- Serena!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in a gesture of despair.

I shrugged, making myself comfortable on the bleacher benches. "What? I was just saying," I said nonchalantly.

"You're no match for the nonsense Serena carries in that head of hers, May," Dawn said, tapping on my temple. "She has an encyclopedia of garbage facts in here."

"What can I say, I try," I said, smiling brightly at Dawn.

She smiled back at me then turned to May, who was pushing her hair back from her face. It doesn't matter how much you do that, the winds just gonna blow it right back. "And in answer to your question, May, we're watching Paul train." Dawn placed her chin in her cupped hands, gazing out onto the football field where the boy's were doing drills in a chilly weather.

I could just make out Paul's purple hair bobbing amongst his teammates.

"Look at him! Even the way he runs is hot." Dawn breathed with a pink blush forming on her cheeks and a gentle smile crawling on her thin lip.

"How does someone run hotly?" I mused out loud, scratching my pouch cheek in thought.

"Yeah, that's something I'd like to know too," May put in.

Rolling her eyes with a mental groan, Dawn gave us a arrogant look. "You guys have no imagination." She retort.

May and I stared at each other for a second, and then gaped at Dawn. This was a girl who pretty much claimed that if she couldn't see it, it wasn't real. Dawn is the queen of no imagination.

May reached out to grip Dawn's  shoulders. "Who are you and where's the real Dawn?" she demanded to know, shaking Dawn by the shoulders.

"I'm in love." Dawn closed her eyes shut and placed her hands demurely in her lap as I giggled behind my hand.

Dawn was a serial dater. She'd never once said she was in love with any of her short lived boyfriends. This is odd...

"In love with?" I had to ask.

Shooting me a look that just screamed 'obviously', Dawn said "Paul, silly! I think he's the one."

A teasing smile on her face, May asked "The one what?"

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