Chapter 15 - Dark Sunshine

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It was about 15 minutes until they reached their destination. It was exactly as Connor had said: remote, four stories high. The guest car park was across the road to the building, and there were barely any cars parked there. Jodie parked at the far end. Connor could tell that she was feeling uneasy about the whole situation, but was putting on a brave face. To be honest, so was he. Walking strangely close together, the two of them crossed the road. There was a large sign beside the road with the words "Dark Sunshine" painted in a bright gold colour. On the left side of the sign was a painted moon and stars, and on the right a sun and clouds. Connor shivered as he noticed how familiar it felt to him. He knew that Carrie had bought him here, but the realisation that he had been there at all was frightening. In his mind, mental hospitals were creepy and full of insane murderers. Jodie took his hand suddenly. Connor wondered if she had noticed how fearful he looked, or if it was for her own comfort. He didn't mention it, though.

Cautiously they entered the building. The doors were made of some kind of white wood, and were incredibly heavy. They had no glass apart from two small circular windows near the top. They were just above Connor's head. Inside the entrance room there were dozens of lush green potted plants. Most of them were placed on the floor and were extremely large; far to heavy to be picked up by a single person. Everything in the room seemed to be clean and perfect. Too perfect. Connor felt as if it were all an illusion, but what it was designed to hide he had no idea. Hastily pulling his mind away from this, he approached the front desk.

"Excuse me? We're here to see Carrie... uh. I'm not sure about her surname. She has light brown hair and dark brown eyes."

The person at the front desk had a large coat on with the hood pulled up for some reason, and their head was bowed. They didn't seem to hear Connor at all, or acknowledge that there was someone there.


There was no answer, but he could tell they were breathing. Though he knew it was inappropriate, he reached out and poked them. After all, they could be asleep. The person didn't even flinch. After an awkward silence, Connor reached out again and pulled back the hood. With a yelp of terror he stepped back, pulling Jodie with him. The person in the coat looked up at them slowly. Dark brown eyes stared out from beneath light brown hair. Dark red lipstick surrounded grinning white teeth. The person stood up and leaned over the desk, black pointed nails tapping rhythmically on its surface. Their head tilted to the side, and they spoke.

"I had a strange inkling of a feeling that you would be coming here. I take it that you are here for your other halves. Ingrid and Andrew, I believe is what you call them."

Carrie climbed with ease over the desk and stood a few paces away from them. She stood there for what felt like an eternity, staring at them with her crazed smile. It was Jodie that broke the silence.

"I swear, if you've done anything to Andrew..."

Carrie's wide smile widened even more and she laughed. With a content sigh she leaned back on the desk, looking up slightly.

"I see that you have regained your memory, Connor. I can see it in your eyes. You have lost your innocence. Now, my precious little cookie, tell me this. If you have truly found your mind, why have you come back here? Surely you remember what tortures I put you through?"

The word "back" sent shivers down Connor's spine. That word meant that he had been here before. He knew he had, but to hear someone speak his fears was even more frightening.

"I do. And I don't want my friends to go through that. I've answered your question. Now you can answer mine. Where are they?"

Once again Carrie's crazed laugh erupted. She licked her lips and began to tap her nails again.

"An idea has just occurred to me. Wouldn't it be fun if I spoke in riddles? Oh, do I love riddles! The place you will find your friends if dark, yet light. Big, yet small. It is impossible, but not. Does that not sound familiar? They are the riddles that I spoke to you that night, Connor. They are ingrained in your head. They will stay there forever in the forms of memories, no matter what other devils you encounter. The impossible ones are always the ones that remain."

"You did to them what you did to me?" asked Connor, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.

Carrie shook her head slowly and stood up straight. She spread her arms proudly.

"Not at all. That is a luxury that I have recently discovered is unsuccessful. There are better things planned for your friends. Did you notice that there is no one else here? They are part of my plan too. I'm sure specimens such as yourselves would be great additions. What do you say?"

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