Will I ever shut up?!

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Hey bies!

Or is it bhys?

Honestly, I say it but I never know how to spell it. Bies makes more sense, but a lot of people spell it the other way.


Lol, I'm completely joking though. I never use hash tags. I don't really see the point, unless you're on twitter and there is a contest or a live chat going on where you use the hash tag to get in touch with whoever is doing it.

Aaaaaanyway, that was completely off topic and not where I meant to start, but whatever. #YOLO

Ok, I'm going to stop now. That was just ridiculous.

As you can tell, when I write this blog/journal/book/thing I'm kinda just writing endlessly until I run out of words and, unless I misspell something, I don't use the backspace.

So, now that I have finished getting my craziness out, onto what I meant to say.

Last time I wrote was when I failed my drivers test. I'm sorry I haven't wrote but once I explain, you'll understand why.

After I failed that Tuesday, I managed to get my license that Friday ($225.10 down the drain, it's ridiculously expensive, especially if you fail. You still have to go buy a new road test receipt, and then pay $105.10 [Why an extra 10¢, I'll never know] to get the actual license!).

Then I was working a lot (starting that night) so once I got off I just wanted to go to bed (I wasn't feeling too good either, I had to leave work early one night because I was so bad I thought I would pass out [needless to say, I didn't drive home that night!]).

That brings me to Tuesday of last week (the Tuesday before valentines day). Our school had sprinkler issues and fire alarm issues so we had to be evacuated that evening which screwed my day up,(I still wasn't feeling well, I was planning to go home that evening but school was canceled anyway). I was under the weather until Thursday night-Friday morning, which was Valentine's day, and school was canceled AGAIN because of a "storm."

That night I spent with some of my close girl friends, we had a little "forever alone, pig out, girls night thing" and I couldn't exactly update at her house so that was a bust.

Saturday I worked until close so I came home and went straight to bed.

Sunday was I was barred up in the house with a storm. (Power was off and on)

Monday I was off school but I worked late.

Tuesday I went back to school after the extra long weekend we had to get everything in order just incase I didn't get back until Tuesday (that being Tuesday coming [another long weekend]). That night was crazy and once I got in bed I was too worked up for the next day to sleep and I needed something to calm me down so the last thing I was going to do was write about my anxieties.

Wednesday was a big day as I had to go to the hospital for a procedure. Not getting into specifics but I had a light put down my throat (endoscopy). I was given meds during that so when I came home I was super-duper-loopy. I couldn't even go up the stairs myself, and I had to have some one monitor me for 24 hours (at least, if not more if it hadn't worn off).

I was NOT writing while legally "high." That would be a reeeeeally bad idea.

I wasn't "normal' (if you call this normal! ;P) until Friday. And I had company all night so writing wasn't really an option. (That and I fell asleep...)

Yesterday I spent with company again and by last night, I was beat.

Which brings us to today!

I went out to Mcds tonight after church so I just got home long enough to change and then write this. I had Mcds... twice today.... actually. (Don't judge me! First time was lunch, poutine and drink, second was just for coffee, well, and cookies.)

But that's not so bad when you consider that I had a Nestlé breakfast drink this morning and then Mcds for lunch but I didn't have supper, because lunch was really late.

The perks of being Pentecostal.

Or maybe that's just a Christian thing, food after services.

I really don't know.

All I know is that Sundays you have breakfast, lunch and after church snack. Whether it's toast and tea, cheese and crackers, ice cream, a bag of chips or any sort of fast food, you always eat afterwards, and usually with a bunch of other people.

And then you don't get home until midnight.

Because why not?

I just realized I have been writing this for an hour and then some.

Holy crap, I need to stop blabbering.

Oh! And I didn't mention that I think my toe actually is broke, did I?

The doctor said he didn't THINK it was broke but he didn't send me for X-rays so we don't know for sure. But that was almost 3 weeks ago and it still hurts like you wouldn't believe.

Sounds broke to me!

Anyway, sorry for wasting so much of your time but I had to put all that out there.

Comment and let me know what you've been up to, I've been away too long!


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