can I help you?

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Imagine you are in a bar and Jack can't stop staring at you..

I suppose most women would be frightened to sit in a bar full of pirates all by her lonesome, but this was an average occurance for me. My eyes scanned the room slowly, observing each idiosyncracy of the scallywags surrounding my table. I let out a small sigh of boredom and sip my mug of rum before closing my eyes for a moment. When I reopen them, my gaze is matched with a pair of rich, chocolate eyes.
Sitting directly across from me, a few tables down, is a smirking pirate. His brown dreadlocks are mangily flopping down from a worn hat and red bandanna. His small beard is braided into two strands, which is typical for captains.
After a few more seconds of matched eye contact, I drop my gaze back to my mug and take a large swig. As soon as I go back for another gulp, I realize I've finished it off. I fling my hand in the air to signal I need a refill and in just a few moments, a small boy carrying a pitcher of rum appears. He tops off my glass and looks up at me with hopeful eyes.
"You're a good lad." I plop a shilling into his tiny palm. "Now scurry along." He smiles a goofy grin and turns on his heels before trotting back in the direction he came. I chuckle and turn back to my drinking.
Immediately I feel someone's eyes on me. I flick my eyes up, only to yet again find the dark-haired pirate staring at me. I raise my eyebrows at him as if to ask what he's doing. He simply smirks and casts his gaze back down.
"Hey (y/n)!"
I turn around to see an old companion of mine, Ruby. Her frizzy brown hair has grown quite a bit since the last time I saw her.
"Ruby." I nod, letting her know to sit.
"So darlin' how've ya been?" She smiles annoyingly wide.
"Eh, depends on who ya ask." I shrug. "Yerself?"
Her eyes grow wide with excitement. "Well I'm so glad ya asked. As a matter of fact I..."
I sigh, realizing that this is going to be a long conversation. After about five minutes of babbling from Ruby, I find yet again, that the pirate across the way is glancing at me.
"Alright that's about enough." I huff.
"What? I thought you asked me how I was." Ruby says defensively.
"No not you, that bildgerat over there. He has ever so kindly decided to stare at me since I came in here." I roll my eyes.
"Who?" Ruby asks with a look of interest.
I nod in his direction. "Don't make it obvious."
Ruby whirls around and looks right at him, causing him to look away.
"Jesus Ruby! I told ya not to make it obvious!" I groan, placing a hand to my forehead.
"Not that one!" She nods toward him.
"Yeah that one."
"Do ya know who that is??" She whisper-shouts.
"Ruby, do ya really think I know who the bludger is?" I sigh.
Ruby shrugs and leans in closer to me from across the table. "That's Jack Sparrow. Captain of the Black Pearl" She answers in a hushed tone.
"And? And? Annnd he's only the most renowned Captain this side of Isla de Muerta!" She gushes "Not to mention the best looking." She whirls around again and smiles in his direction, yet his gaze keeps with me. "Well he seems to have taken to ya." She spits jealously.
"Lucky me." I answer sarcastically.
"Lucky you is right. I'd give my left leg fer him ta look at me like that." She smiles dreamily.
"Well I don't like it. And I'll be the first to tell 'im that." I rise and start to walk away.
"No no (y/n) I'm serious get back 'ere." Ruby calls but I ignore her and keep walking towards Sparrow. The entire time I'm approaching him, his eyes are glued to mine with a small sideways smirk on his face.
"Oi, can I help you?" I ask as I reach his table and slam my hand down on it.
He shakes his head slightly. "Wot?" He asks, looking as he just came out of a trance.
"Can I help ya? Is there a reason you been staring at me since I walked in?" I demand.
He chuckles a little. "Wot's yer name?"
"What's it to ya?" I snap back.
"Hostile are we?" He raises his eyebrows. "I was just askin'"
"(Y/n)." I Answer with confidence. "and yer Jack Sparrow."
"That's right. How'd ya know? Ya a pirate?" His eyes widen as he asks.
"I have my ways. No I ain't a pirate never 'ave been never will be." I tell him.
"Well then wot the hell are ya? An ordinary woman isn't exactly prone to drink in bars by themselves." He shoots back.
"That, Mr. Sparrow, is because I'm no ordinary woman." I wink a little as I say this.
"That's Captain Sparrow." He corrects
"I'm a right-hand hire." I tell him.
"A wot?"
"I'm someone pirates hire from voyage to voyage. Someone who isn't afraid to do the dirty work. I man the sails, oar longboats, been known ta 'take care' of certain individuals." I answer.
Jack smiles at this. "How much?"
"How much. Fer a voyage that is." His smile still hasn't left.
"Depends on wot ya want done." I nod.
He takes this in. "How 'bout twelve shillings fer a temporary first mate, that suit ya?"
"That'll about do it." I nod again.
"Then its settled, we leave tomorrow." Jack announces.
"Oi." I nod a third time and turn back to my table.
As I walk away I swear I hear Jack mumble. "This'll be an interesting one."

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