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Imagine Jack proposing to you...

Jack watched you as you stood hunched over his desk, studying a map. Your (h/c) hair flopping over your face and you desperately attempted to blow it away. He smiled and came to you, brushing it behind your ear.
You jumped a bit, as you hadn't realized he was in the room. "Jack!" You gasped quietly.
He chuckled and rested his hand on your cheek. " 'ello love.." He smirked a bit and stared into your eyes.
"What in Hell's name are you doin', sneaking up on me like that? Damn near gave me a heart attack!" You whisper-yelled as it was late and the rest of the crew was sleeping.
Jack didn't answer, he just continued to smirk before pressing his lips to yours sweetly. You blushed a bit, surprised by his eagerness.
Slowly and gently you pulled away from him. "What was that for?"
He shrugged and smirked again. "Come with me.." he dropped his hand down to yours and took it.
"What? But its late and-"
"(y/n)!" Jack cut you off. "Just shut yer trap and come with me." He said sternly.
You widened your eyes at his tone. "Fine..." you knew something was bothering him, he only got this way when he was stressed out. "Jack.." you whispered as he led you out of his cabin and onto the deck.
"Shh. You'll wake the crew and I'll be damned if they come out here and ruin.." he trails off suddenly.
"Ruin? Ruin what exactly?" You asked, raising a brow.
Jack suddenly halted, dropping your hand and no longer pulling you with him. You looked up and saw you were both standing under the main mast. "Jack what-"
"I'm sorry?"
"Up." He repeated with a small smile.
You raised a brow and pointed your finger upwards in questioning. "Up? As in to the crow's nest? At night? In the dark?"
Jack rolled his eyes. "Dammit (y/n) I'm trying to be sentimental and romantic 'ere." He paused before widening his eyes and commanding you; "Up!"
You groaned a bit and carefully and nervously made your way up the ropes. Once you'd stepped into the crow's nest, you turned to Jack. "Happy?"
He smirked. "Very."
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around yourself. "Ja-ack" you whined. "Its cold up here."
Jack rolled his eyes in return and took off his overcoat, draping it over your shoulders. "There now will ya stop complaining and enjoy the moment I worked so damn hard to think up?"
You laughed and paused, pretending to think. "I may.. if you hold me.." you smirked.
He laughed as well and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and pecking your head. "Better?"
You nodded and snuggled against him, breathing in his smell of salt and fresh air. "I love you.." you murmured against his chest.
Jack smiled and looked down at you, stroking through your hair. "I love you too.."
You then untangled yourself from his hold and leaned over the edge of the nest, looking up at the stars and smiling.
Jack watched you with a soft smile and loving eyes. 'Shes so beautiful' he thought as he watched your eyes sparkle up at the stars. He reached into his pocket and ran his sea-worn fingers over the ring that rested there. 'C'mon Jack, be a man.' he urged himself. He looked down, mentally battling his nerves.
You glanced over and noticed how anxious he looked. You took his hand and caused him to look at you. "Alright, love?"
He nodded and gulped. "Fine, doll.." he watched as the you looked at him uncertainly then turned your gaze back to the sky. He chuckled a bit as your eyes lit up and your mouth opened slightly.
"Jack! A shooting star.." you smiled. "Make a wish!"
As you said this, Jack felt all his worry build immensely. He gulped and felt his heart beat quicken as he whispered to you. "I wish you'd say yes.."
You turn to him only to see him bend on one knee and hold up a gorgeous ring with a black pearl in the center and two small white diamonds on the sides. "Wot do ya say, love, wanna get married?"
Your heart raced and you smiled brightly before pulling him up and crashing your lips to his. "Yes.. yes.. yes.. yes.. yes.." you shouted between kisses.
Jack smiled as you attacked him with kisses. He wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "I love you, doll.. so much.." he whispered warmly against you ear.
"I love you too, Jack." You smiled. "IM GETTING MARRIED!" you yelled enthusiasticly.
"Oi! Would you two keep it down, some of us actually prefer to get some shut eye once the sun's gone down!" You heard Gibbs yell.
"SHUT YOUR TRAP WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Jack shouted back, causing you to press your lips to his once again.
"Im so happy.." you gushed.
"Me too, darling. Now lets go back to the cabin and celebrate properly, yeah?" He raised a brow, making you laugh.
"Sounds perfect.."

Jack Sparrow Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now