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Nikki P.O.V

I got up and walk fast towards his table.


She shouted but ignored her and continued walking.

I pushed the plate of John's table causing it to break.

John looked up at me in surprise while AJ just smirked.

Nikki:So this is what you do everyday!?

I screamed causing people to look at us.

John:Nikki be quite people are looking at us.

He had the nerve to silence me!

Nikki:I don't care John!You tell me you're going for a meeting other an interview and you meet up with her!This is your important business?!


Nikki:Shut up!I'm talking!

He looked at me shocked.

Oh my gosh did I just tell John Cena to shut up?

[A/N:A dream of mine]

Nikki:Everyday I wake up you're not next to me!You're with her!We fight and you tell me hurtful things like I'm the wrong one,you're the wrong one!

By now I was crying but wasn't yet finished.

Nikki:I finally feel like giving you up but then you come and sweet talk me!And then we're just back to square one again!Well I'm done John.

John:Nicole no-

Nikki:You tell me you don't want me being friends with Seth?Why?You know no matter how much we fight I would never cheat on you!

John:Listen would you!

Nikki:Fuck you John!I'm not even done talking!Getting married? We're not getting married because we're not ready or because you are busy loving someone else!

John:Nicole love you only-

Nikki:I can't do this anymore John!I'M DONE.

I say meaning every word,walking away.


He said grabbing my hand.

I pulled away from him.

John:No Nicole.I'm sorry please we can work this out I'm sorry don't go!

I started walking and he grabbed my arm again.

This time I had enough!I turned around and slapped him.

I was shocked at my actions but soon regained my confidence.

It was pure adrenaline.

Nikki:I'M DONE!

I said as I walked to the door not even caring when they called after me.
I ran well more like speed walked back to my hotel which wasn't very far away.

I run upstairs and and unlocked the door.

Grabbing all of my belongings.

Stuffing them into bags.

I grabbed everything of mine and my cars keys.

Nikki:Fuck this shit!

I said feeling like my heart is bleeding,slamming the door shut.

I walked downstairs and checked out.

I pushed all my things in the back seat and got in my car.

I started it and drove to Brie's house.

Ignoring my phone.

Seth P.O.V

I was so bored at this meeting.Just listening to Hunter go on and on.

I was falling of to sleep.

When my phone rang and I excused myself and answered it outside.


Roman:Dude it's Nikki.

He sounded serious.

Seth:What!Is she hurt!Wh-

Roman:No no no some stuff happened that I will explain later and it's an hour now we can't find her!

Seth:Maybe she's at Bries h-

Roman:We've called there but they said she stopped but didn't stay long.


I said hitting my head.

Seth:I'm on my way.

I said before ending the call.

I walked back into the office.

Seth:Um excuse me Hunter I have to go it's an emergency.

HHH:Fine but-

I didn't wait for him to complete his sentence and sped out of the room to my car.

Where could Nikki be?Why did she run away in the first place?
What happened?

All I know is I can't let anything bad happen to her.


I ran out of my car and into the restaurant seeing Roman holding Dean back.Boy did Dean seem pissed.

I see Paige swearing the shit out of AJ.

Then I see Sasha making phone calls with a worried look on her face.

I walk up to Roman.

Seth:What's going on?Why did she run away?

Roman:Well she fou-

Dean:That good for nothing puss has been cheating on Nikki with AJ.

He said looking at Cena.

Roman:We found out and Nikki is totally broken.She ran out and not even Brie knows where she is.

I feel myself heating up and I'm become more and more tense.

I turn around,marching towards Cena.

I grabbed him by his shirt collar and start beating the crap out of him.He managed to give me a punch making me fall.

But Roman accidentally loosen his grip on Dean and that's went Dean went CRAZY on him.

By the time we were done with him he was a bloody mess.


The security just stood there in shock not even daring to come up to us.

Seth:She trusted you.

I said before walking away.

Paige:Seth!Where are you going?

Seth:To find Nikki.

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