Chaptet 5

246 10 11

Be well Luce

In a clearing in the forest, a single tree stood. There was golden grass and clear water in a stream flowing around it but the tree was black and rotting. It was a miracle that it could still stand. Or rather, a curse. If you look a bit closer, you can almost see a sleeping face wrinkled like an old man's. If it's quiet enough, you can hear snoring. But in the transition to a new year, the sleeping tree transforms. On the night of the winter solstice, December 20th, the tree glowed. It's rotten black limbs start to move and stretch as the tree awakes. The limbs stretch up winding together to form a tight body of limbs. The limbs thicken into a pattern of scales, snake scales to be precise. The wood snake forms its large head staring at the star filled night sky and hissed. 12 constellations glowed in response. 12 lights glowed in the woods surrounding the clearing. (The 12 spaced like a clock #catchingfire) First a timid young maiden with pink fluffy hair and horns stepped out of the woods (Where the #1 on the clock would be). Then a tall bull like man with an ax on his back, his face serious (#2). Then two alien like creatures with personalities of children floated from their part. Then out stepped a crab man with scissors. Then our favorite Orange haired man/lion/playboy, who tugged at his dress shirt which was underneath his jacket. Then another pink haired maiden dressed like a maid. Then a maiden with half her face covered in a thin cloth and held scales in her hands. Then a man with red and white hair as well as some kind of metallic tail. Then a man dressed as a horse 'galloped' out of his part of the woods arriving at the same time as Scorpio. Then a goat man dressed in a butler's suit looked around as he walked up as well. The last two/three floated to the creek to sit down in so they won't exactly dry out (if it were possible). All 12 of them had a serious face others timid others having a ghost of their normal smile.
"Looks like we're all here" said the lion.
"Wait! What about-"
"Miss Lucy?" Asked the Gemini twins.
"I'm right here" called the blond mage who strolled up in between Virgo and Leo stand next to him.
"Alrieeht, lets beehgin" said Capricorn.
Lucy looked up at the giant wooden snake who glanced at them all. Waiting. It's red, glowing eyes stared into her soul, and for a moment, she was unable to look away.
Lucy nodded once she regained her senses.
The snake looked to the sky and gave an un-snakely scream. It echoed as if they were in a cave and the sky were the painting.
The zodiac got ready to fight as the ground shook.
Trees and rocks moved as a wave of earth came at the group from all directions (like a water wave/backwards ripple).
The zodiac and Lucy as well as the snake jumped just as the earth wave came and crashed together. If they didn't jump in time, they would have been crushed!
Lucy landed on the ground and the zodiac(including snake/ophiechus(13th zodiac)) glowed golden and floated above Lucy. They floated high enough that the town that the guilds and Lucy lived in, could look at them in fear and wonder. They only knew they were there because of the scream and waves of earth that came through the town.
Mean while, Lucy pulled out her Flueve d'etoiles but a more powerful one as well as her keys. A dark mass could be felt in the forest in front of her. She glared at the glowing green eyes in front of her and said
"Come at me Gaea"

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