Noels Party

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Alison's POV
We pull up to the cabin and Noel greets us all and leads us to his game room where all of the alcohol is. "Feel free to what ever you want." Noel says. "Thanks Noel" I say as he walks away. "Ali are you really going to drink?" Me asks me. "Maybe later before we go home but I know you don't drink so I'm not gonna right now." I say grabbing her hand and walking to where all the girls and everyone else is. 

There playing truth or dare so me and Emily step in and play. Noel asks Hannah "truth or dare." "Dare" Hannah says. "I dare you to kiss the hottest girl here." He says. "Okay" she says walking towards Emily. Hannah sits across from Emily and leans into give Emily a peck on the lips and she does Emily tries to pull away but Hannah grabs her hand and hold her there. I see Hannah trying to stick her tongue into Emily's mouth and she don't let it in. She finally backs off and is walking back to her seat when Emily yells "what the hell hannah?" "What me I know you liked it just look at your lap." She says pointing at her dick. But before anyone noticed I sit on Emily's lap. "I'm so sorry I don't know she was going to pick me I tried to pull away and she tried to stick her tongue in and I didn't let her." Emily says with glossy eyes. "Emily I know trust me I was watching. I love you." I say. "I love you to." She says.

We continue the game. It was Noel's turn to ask Ben. "Truth or dare" he asks "Dare" "I dare you to kiss miss queen bee over there." He says pointing at me. Shit I think but I have to do it to still play the game. Ben walks up to me and it's next to me and grabs the my lower back and brings me in for a kiss. We do it for about 3 seconds which wasn't long at all. I get up and head back to Emily but she isn't there I see her heading out to the backyard. I catch up to her and she grab a beer and was about to take and drink when I grabbed it out of her hands. "What the hell?" She says. "No you what the hell Emily? Why did you just leave?" I ask. "Ali why do you think? I can't stand to see him kiss you. It pissed me off so I left before I hit him." She says. "Emily Fields that kiss meant absolutely nothing! You mean the world to me that's all the matters to me. I love you so much I can't loose you." I say giving her a tight hug. "I love you more and that is why I get that way." She says kissing me.

We go to walk back inside with our fingers interlocked. But someone grabbed my other hand. "You ran away so quickly we didn't get to finish. Come on follow me upstairs." Says says trying to kiss me but instead of getting my lips he got Emily's fist to the face. "Next time you should back the fuck off it was a game the kiss meant nothing I have the most best girlfriend in the world." I say to Ben who was laying on the ground with a bloody nose and a black eye. "Fuck you Fields! I will get you!" Ben says. "Yea I would like to see you try. Bye asshole." Emily says and we walk towards where Spencer parked. "I'm going to call a cab" Emily says. "Okay sounds great."

Hannah's POV
I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. "Why Alison? Why not me?" I say to myself in the mirror. Ugh I think. I walk out of the bathroom and see Ben who had a bloody face and a black eye. "Woah did Emily hit you for kissing Ali?" I ask him. "Yea actually." He says laughing while stepping into the bathroom. "Here let me help you clean up." I say grabbing a towel and get it wet and dab all of the blood off his face. "Thanks hannah." He says. "No problem, Emily pissed me off to today." I say. "I have a question. What were you pointing at Emily for early when you said I know you liked the kiss." He asks  "oh that she was hard." I say laughing. "So your telling me she has a dick." He asks. "Yep she is intersex which means she is a girl just with a dick." I say getting ready to leave the bathroom when Ben grabs my arm and pulls me in for a kiss.

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