Suicidal - Chapter 1

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“Wake up Jye faggot!” A voice yells before the door is slammed open and my school uniform is thrown on my bed.

“Fuck off Beau” I mumble.

I get up and shove him out of my room before I sit back down and grab my phone to see that I have over 5000 new mentions on twitter.


I read through the first few that are from the fans saying things like “follow me jai, I love you” and just fans wanting me to notice them. But then, I get to the bottom and that’s where I stopped. I threw my phone and ran into the bathroom, tears streaming down my face.

I hop into the hot steamy shower, and that’s when I grab the razor that is hidden underneath the shampoo bottle. I push it down on my thigh slightly before I cut it into the skin. It hurts but it is a feeling of relief, and escape. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t notice how deep the last cut out of the five I did were until I moaned and dropped the razor.

“Everything okay?” Mia, Luke’s best friend yelled out.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I didn’t have the ability to respond.

“Jai?” Mia yelled through the crack of the door.

“MMMM IM FINE” I finally responded.

I hopped out of the shower, getting changed and I wrapped a bandage around my thigh before I walked out to the kitchen.

“Why are you limping?” Luke asked as I walked up to the bench and sat down before my leg hurt even more.

“Oh, just cramp. It fucken hurts man”  I lie.

He hands me a bowl of cereal and I walk off to my room.

Mia’s P.O.V

“Hey Luke” I say softly, walking towards him and jumping up to sit on the kitchen bench.

“Yeah?” He replies, although he’s not paying much attention.

“Something’s not right with Jai” I whisper, not wanting Jai to hear me.

“What do you mean?” Luke looks up. I have his attention now.

“Well, he’s become really distant. And not just with me, I mean with everyone. Can’t you tell? He isn’t himself Luke. He hardly talks to any of us. He always looks tired and always says how his legs and arms are sore. Do you not understand?”

“What are you trying to say?” He stares at me.

“What I’m trying to say is, I think Jai is---“

“You think I’m what?” Jai yelled as he came out of the bedroom. He was standing there, his eyes were swelling up and I could tell what was wrong.

“Woah, Jai. Calm the fuck down.” Luke said, as he acted so calm.

“Luke, don’t. Please.” I said touching his back, “Start walking to school, I’ll talk to you later?”

Luke nodded and walked out the door heading to school.

I ran to Jai who was in the bathroom, I could hear him crying.

“Jai?” I yelled.

No answer.

“Jai come out. Please” I whispered. “What are you doing?”

He didn’t answer me, no matter what I had to say. All I could hear was his quiet sobs.

“Ah Fuck!” I heard him yell.

I opened the door and ran in and that was when I saw red.

He looked up at me and broke down crying.

I sat down next to him and grabbed a towel, softly dabbing it on the six cuts on his wrist. I didn’t say a word, I just sat there helping him, holding in my tears.


Hope you guys like the first chapter! It gets to the story pretty quick I know. Keep reading I will update only the second chapter tonight. Follow my Instagram @tacojai :)

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