Chapter 4 (Part 2):Her Mother's Secrets

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       After the long drawn out lecture about manners class was finally over.  I grabbed my things and got ready to leave. Before Emily left she called out to me.

      "Hey Ari!"
She lowered her voice. "Don't forget why you're hear." I nodded, and finished packing my things. On my way out the door I was stopped. By him.

     "Hey." I saw no sign of remorse in his eyes.
    "Yeah sorry, but I don't have time for perverts." I shoved past him and heard him call out. I wanted to give him a nose bleed.

      "My name is Calumn the Pervert if you were curious!" I couldn't help but smile at his stupid comment. The lecture had lasted until 11:45. Break time was short. I had fifteen minutes to get to room 108. I couldn't help but wonder if going was a good idea.

"Hey, where are you headed?" He smiled tugging at his shirt.

"No where with you that's for sure."

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, did you forget that I was a prince? I'm allowed to do anything I want." He took two abrupt steps towards me until we were standing inches apart. I held firm, I made sure my face was unreadable. I couldn't let him work his way into my mind. I examined him for a moment to get a better look at my enemy. His dark hair looked shiny and clean enough to touch. He smelled faintly of lavender soap. Like the kind I used to bathe my younger sister with. Wait! Was I really admiring this guys looks? The same person that destroyed my life and stole my first kiss? I tried to push past him but suddenly, he shoved me into the wall. His hands on both sides of me so I couldn't escape. I could feel prickles of sweat forming as my face heated, my heart pounding at his closeness. He was much stronger than me. It was angering. He was wasting my precious time with childish games.

There was only one place I could think that would hurt him. I was not going to let him control me. I succumbed to the urge and as hard as I could I lifted my knee right between his legs. He stumbled backwards cringing but only for a split second. I ran for it knowing if I stuck around any longer there would not be a happy ending for me. But when I glanced back to check if he was following me, he was laughing. Actually laughing! Literally fallen to the floor laughing his heart out. I shrugged it off. I turned and began running faster, following the signs to room 108.
When I finally stumbled into the room it was vacant and dark, the only light a dim shadow from the hallway. I panted and wiped sweat from my brow. It took me a moment for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. It was big room and looked kind of like a science classroom at one of my old grade schools. With specimens in gooey liquids on dusty shelves and lab tables with deep sinks.

"Hello! Is anyone in here!" I looked around a little bit but the room was deserted.

     I turned to leave when suddenly someone grabbed me their hand over my mouth. I tried to scream but their grip was like iron. I was tackled to the floor and when I was able to look up I saw that my attacker was a boy. He didn't look much older than me.

"I'm going to move my hand but after that you need to be very quiet." I nodded and he released me and sat up. Now that I had another chance to look at him he was quite handsome.  He had dark brown hair and vibrant green eyes. But I wasn't hear to admire cute boys. I stood up, brushed myself off, and backed away in a defensive movement. All business.

"Do you know why you're here?" He sighed.

"No. Now who are you and what do you want?" I glared trying to pretend that I didn't feel threatened by his presence.

"My name is Blake and I'm a general." I glanced over his attire. He was wearing clothes that looked like one of theyattendants would wear and was awfully young. He didn't even look old enough to drink.

"A general? As in an army general?" I questioned suspiciously.

"I'm from what you might know as the sacred land of constant war." He said it as if I was dumb.

"You a general! Ah good one! Good now I don't have time to listen to the drunk son of some Janitor!"

"Shhh! I said be quiet."

"Sure, but what would a general from the United States Army be doing on an enemy ship?"

"I'm here on a mission and you happen to be a big part of that mission." Right, cause that comment makes me feel so special.

"Why don't you sit down and start from the beginning?"

"No there's not time." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He kept glancing at the door paranoid.

"Why am I a part of your mission?"

"You don't even know yet? Good lord I don't have time for this."

He seemed very upset by my lack of knowledge.

"What are you talking about!"

"You're a hybrid." A hybrid?

"A hybrid as in-"

"Yes now keep up, you're a hybrid but that's not what I'm here to talk about."

"Well than what are you here to talk about!" I growled at him. Neither of us had time for this.

He sighed trying to remain calm.

"Do you know what happens to people when they're harvested?"
    His voice much more calm and less frantic now.

"Um they die?" Is that what he came here to ask me. Because if this is what it's all abo-

"Yes and no. They're sent to fight for these aliens which is basically a death sentence."
     Fighting there hasn't been a war in over 150 years.

"First of all why do they want a bunch of old, people second Why would they be fighting?"

"You don't even know about the war! Has your mother not said anything to you!?!"

"What does my mother have to do with any of this?" The way he said her name upset me.

"Your mother is an ally of the United States and an important ambassador of the Dtchotians (Di-Coat-e-ens ), which are a much more reasonable race of aliens that the tyrants the U.S are at war with!"

"But there's more, the reason I came to talk to you is because I need you to make the prince fall in love with you."

"What!!!" We were so loud now I would be surprised if someone hadn't heard us.

"Just do it! I'm sorry to throw this all on you at once but, I have no time to explain. I need you to trust me and do what I say."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to trust him, or if anything he said was true. Something in his tone scared me, but I needed more information and possibly a way out so I agreed to trust him. For now.


    "Good, now you'd better hurry before your late for your next class."

I looked down at my watch! The teacher was going to murder me! Literally! I ran out of there and to my classroom as fast as I could. I didn't know if I would see that boy again but if I did I would need answers. I honestly didn't know what to believe about what he'd told me, but the scariest part is deep down in my gut I had a lingering feeling that he was right.

Is anyone confused yet? Don't worry it becomes more clear later. And if you came for the scary deformed looking aliens don't worry and have patience there is some action coming your way!

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