Chapter 14 - Suddenly...?!

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(A/N: I finished the story, I'll be posting heaps in the next 2 days :D )

Chapter 14

If you picked tell truth:

"Phone Contacts?!" Seven exclaims, "Isn't that private?" "Does it matter?" Yoosung says, the smirk becoming bigger. "Ummm well, yeah it do-" "I DON'T CARE!" Yoosung yells, making Seven do what he has been told. "I feel like a child." Seven mutters under his breath as he hacks into Y/N's phone contracts. "So what now?" Seven says, waiting for Yoosung's answer. "Find Ayko in her contracts." "I feel uneasy about this..." Seven says quietly as he searchs for 'Ayko'. "Ok, I found it, what now?" Yoosung doesn't answer. Something's wrong..., Seven says to himself. Would Y/N like this? I don't feel right when I do this... Yoosung starts to feel sick. Of course Y/N wouldn't like this! If i do this, her love for me would disappear and she would fade away. I don't want that. I want to be the perfect husband, just for her. "Yoosung?" Seven says, still waiting for an order. "S-Seven, d-don't worry..." Yoosung says, embarrassed by his stupidity. Why would I do this?! Y/N told me the truth, she could've lied or change the story but she did the right thing. I'm so stupid, I overrated and became angry over this Ayoko guy. She's my soon to be wife, she won't get taken away from me. "Yoosung? Are you okay dude?" Seven says, confused. "Seven, sorry for annoying you, I overreacted over something I shouldn't have, g-goodbye." Yoosung hangs up before Seven got to say something, and walks back to his apartment, embarrassed.

You look at the door to see Yoosung standing outside. He walks in silently, making you feel uneasy. Before you can say anything, Yoosung gently grabs your shoulders and pulls you into a hug. "Y-Y/N, I'm sorry if I scared you. I was stupid and overreacted. Y-Y/N I lo-" You pull Yoosung closer and place your lips against his. The warmth you felt before has spread through you, making you feel special. Blush crept on Yoosung's face as you pull closer, the way you kiss him is special. She's so perfect, when she kisses me I feel special. I feel as though I'm the only special thing and that everything she does is geared towards me. Yoosung places his hand on your waist while the other in your hair. He moves his hand through hair, a special feeling sparks. Your hearts beats as well as his. You can only hear his heart beat through the kiss, the world feels as though it's suddenly stopped. Your hands intwine as you both pull away, the heat on your face remains. "Y/N, let's go on a date."

(YAY, ITS BACK TOGETHER AGAIN!!! So much work organising what went where but I had fun writing this type of structure, I hope it wasn't confusing. XD )

Yoosung holds your hand as you walk down the city path. He blushes as he looks at your face, the little details to your E/C eyes to your gentle sugary lips. She doesn't need make up at all, she's perfect on her own. "Where are going?" You ask. "Over here." He points at a cute little cafe, the smell of the food making your mouth water.


"Wow, it looks so good!" You say, your smile becoming wider as you open the door to the cafe. You look at the window and see cakes and baked goods, from pies to custard tarts to Chocolate slice. "Next waiting!" The cashier yells, excitement fills the air. " Two people?" The cashier giggles as you nod. "Over there." She points as you nod your head in thanks. The cashier nudges you, " He's super cute, enjoy~" She says, a spark of jealousy swept through you. "Uhh, um thanks." You nod and you walk to Yoosung, who was waiting for you.

You sit at the table with Yoosung, excitement still stays in the air. "Y/N, what did she say?" Yoosung said nodding his head to the cashier. "N-nothing really, just gibberish." You laugh, making Yoosung smile. You look around for a minute to see what is surrounding you. Cute posters of sweets and children eating them, smiling. You look around more to find someone in the corner. You look closely to realise that is was... Ayko?!

A HINT OF YOUR LOVE - YoosungxReader {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now