[Chapter 4] Get Back Up Again

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-Rachael's POV-

As I stormed off, tears started forming in my eyes and began to run down my cheeks.

"Rachael!" I heard Kenya's voice call from behind me, "Slow the heck down!"

"Stay away from me!" I shouted at her.

"No! I won't, we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk! There's nothing to talk about!"

"Yes there is, and you can't hide from me and you know it. Even if you try!"

I stopped in my tracks and spun around so I was facing her, "I'm not trying to hide from you. I'm running from you." I turned back around and continued storming off.

"Fine then I will run with you!" She retorted.

"No!" And I fastened my pace. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I ran into something and fell flat on my ass. I moaned in pain and rested my head back on the ground.

Kenya eventually caught up to me and stood over me, grinning and asking, "Now was that so hard?"

I covered my face with my hands and groaned, "I'm not in the mood to talk, Kenya."

"Okay fine," She sat on the ground next to me, "We don't have to talk, we'll just sit." And for a half an hour, we just sat there in silence, letting the wind blow through our hair. Letting the sun warm our faces as the clouds passed. We looked into the sky, watched the birds fly. The more and more nothing was said between us, the more and more I wanted to cry. "What do you want me to say or do?" Kenya broke the silence in a calm and soothing voice.

"I want you to leave me alone!" I cried as I turned on my side so she wouldn't see me cry.

"Fine, but I am not leaving Dallas, Texas without you." Kenya retorted as she picked herself off of the ground, "I am gonna wait."

As she turned around and began to walk away I rose my voice and said, "How could Anthony say something like that? Ian's death has nothing to do with Luke. I can't even believe he'd accuse such a nice guy of doing such a bad thing."

She came back over to where I was, answering, "He's hurting." She sat down beside me again, "If I died, just as Ian did, and someone seemed suspicious, wouldn't you do anything to find my killer?"

"I wouldn't flatout accuse someone of being your killer without evidence."

"So you wouldn't do anything to figure out who tortured me and sewed a cellphone into my hand and used me to send a gruesome message to you all to back off?" I just stared at her, trying to understand all that she said, "Wait, no, think of it this way, what if it was Anthony who was murdered? Would you sit back and say nothing and let him die in vain?" Kenya questioned.

"Well...no," I answered, "But I'm not saying he should just sit back and say nothing. I'm saying he shouldn't accuse Luke."

"But I have to agree with Anthony, Rach," She remarked, "I texted Carol and asked if Luke had been by, and she said she never saw him this morning." She pulled out her cellphone and showed me the text message that verified her statement. "Anthony was right. His alibi was bogus."

"So what if he's right on this one little detail!" I exclaimed angrily as I rose to my feet, "Just because he didn't ask Carol where we were doesn't mean that he killed Ian."

"Yeah, but you have to admit that makes him look a tad bit suspicious." She jumped to her feet, "I don't think that he could be the killer, but from Anthony's point of view, anyone and everyone is a suspect." She turned and walked away.

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