I gazed out the door, the rain was pouring down. I saw people running to take shelter and young girls squealing because their perfectly styled hair was getting wet. I stepped out, no umbrella to hand and lifted my face up to the cool raindrops, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace for the last time.
'Ara! Ara!' I turned my head and saw my mum standing in the doorway, with an umbrella and a worried look on her face. 'You'll catch a cold!' She exclaimed.
I laughed, I didn't catch colds. Something about the rain, I don't know what, was calming. I have loved it ever since I was a child. I used to run out and play just because I saw it was raining, when all the other children were huddled under shelter in school, I was the only one out in it. I would dance and spin around in it, not caring who saw. In fact it wasn't just rain I loved almost every type of weather, whether it be rain, sun or clouds. The only season I couldn't stand was winter, I cant deal with cold, ice or snow, something about them made me feel physically sick I don't know what.
I took the umbrella nonetheless and walked to school. It was my last day at this school, I was moving with my mum to the countryside in Ireland far away from London. I was exited. And I was looking forward to getting school over and done with here. I have always been good at school, I got straight A's and did extra curricular activities but that didn't mean I enjoyed it. I would rather lay in a field all day with a good book and just enjoy the sun or rain beating down on my back. But then again, wouldn't anyone? I didn't fit in with the urban life here in London. I used to live way out in the countryside, I only have happy memories from back then. But ever since we moved to London everything has seemed much more depressing, and I felt much more isolated here.
Suddenly, a short girl attacked me. I jumped and laughed, it was Jess. 'I cant believe your leaving me!' She exclaimed.
'You look amazing!' I skillfully changed the subject, knowing that her appearance was important to her and I didn't want her turning on the waterworks .
'Do I?' She asked patting her hair self consciously.
She didn't need to be self conscious, she looked amazing as always, her long black wavy hair floated down her back, and her large brown eyes were glittering. Sure, she was short but she had the confidence and the looks to get any guy she wanted. I'm not ugly I have been called pretty on occasion, I have long platinum blond hair and large green eyes, the proper green, not that brown green that most people have. My mum calls me her emerald princess sometimes. But I am not one to care much for appearance, I have never been the type to look in the mirror and complain about invisible flaws, and makeup seemed a waste of time to me. Especially when it turns people orange the majority of the time.
'We better go to our lessons or we will be late.' I said.
The last day passed in a blur, teachers giving out homework tasks that I knew I would never have to do, people gossiping and then there were the goodbyes. Not very hard, but still the hardest part of my day. The worst was saying goodbye to Mr. Sanders. He was a friendly old teacher who was always willing to help and he seemed to know me more than anyone else at this school. But even though I liked him, I knew I wouldn't miss him.
The plane ride to Ireland was short thankfully and the drive through the Irish countryside was relaxing and peaceful. After a car journey that seemed to take forever my mum pulled up into the new driveway, I stared up at the house. It was lovely. It was a cottage, with a thatched roof and ivy running up the walls. It had an old fashioned chimney and the front garden was filled with roses and daffodils and a old large willow tree, it had a small pond in the front with a few fish in it. Surrounding the cottage was a green, luxurious forest, and in the distance I could see large hills. I breathed in the fresh country morning air, and slowly breathed out, I could see my breath. It was cold and crisp outside so my mum hurried us in. Inside was cozy, it had a traditional fire place and creaky floorboards, I loved it.
There was not a house near by and the village was two miles away. We were isolated and alone apart from the fish in the pond. My mum got a job in the village, it was to do with conserving forests or something like that I never really understood her job. I loved being far away from civilisation, I liked being with people I know and loved, but being surrounded by strangers wasn't my cup of tea. My mum watched me expectantly.
"Its beautiful! I love it!" I exclaimed.
"I knew you would, it took me ages to find the perfect place." She smiled excitedly.
That night I cuddled into my bed, my room was small but it had a thick, soft carpet, pale green walls and an amazing view of the forest with a little stream running through nearby. The forest was quiet except for the calming running water sound from the stream. It slowly hushed me to sleep. That night I had dreams of laughing and dancing around a fire in the forest. Odd looking people danced with me, to whimsical music. The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast and noticed my mum had left a note on the counter. 'Amy, I have gone early to speak to my boss, I will be away all day and I expect you to call the local school and inform them of your arrival, you will start next week. Have a lovely day! x' She left me the number next to the phone.
I sighed, of course, I forgot about school. I decided to call them later and have a look around the area. I put on my boots and scarf and walked out. As soon as I stepped out the door I could smell the forest. I walked over to the stream and sat next to it. I listened to the rush of water, and to the occasional bird tweeting in the trees. It was starting to get warmer, winter would soon be over and I would be welcoming spring with open arms.
Suddenly I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby I snapped my head in the direction. I jumped up ready to attack when the creature burst out of the bush. My heart pounded and I was about to run when I noticed two white fluffy ears and a twitching pink nose, it was a rabbit. I laughed at myself, why on earth did I get so scared? I didn't know what, but something about this place made me feel uneasy.
Into The Forest
FantasyAra, a 17 year old girl has just moved to Ireland. Not long after moving there she meets a not so normal boy named Connor and things will never be the same again. She realises maybe the stories she had been told her whole life, weren't actually stor...