Prologue - April 4th

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Dan never walked home from school when it rained. That was one of the many things wrong with that particular Saturday afternoon.

The rain trickled on Dan's neck, seeping through his jacket and trailing down his neck to his back. The grey clouds poured with the salty droplets which then descended down to the roads, pooling into large puddles for the cars to drive through.

Dan didn't mind his bag getting wet, he didn't mind that his shoes had puddles of rain squishing around within his socks. Yet if he knew what would happen after his walk out of the school gates, he would mind. He would stop everything to duck under cover and call his parents. He would avoid that place where it happened for his whole life.

But Dan didn't know. No one did. It was too unexpected.

The rain stopped when Dan reached the alleyway to his house. He knew that the alleyway wasn't dangerous or full of druggies. The town he lived in was sweet and innocent, if anything if you went through an alleyway and saw a suspicious person in there, they'd be petting a dog, not smoking.

When Dan reached the alleyway, he noticed a small hunched figure leaning against the wall, struggling to cover them self from slight sprinkle of rain still flickering down to the surface. Dan didn't say anything straight away, and he shouldn't have. He trotted down the cobblestone path, breathing in the wet stone smell that plagues the cramped space.

Another reason why that particular Saturday was wrong was that no one was homeless. That strange figure would've had a home they could shelter in until the little rain passed. He walked closer to them, getting a closer look of the mysterious identity.

Dan could see the grey curling hair from under the hood of the figure, identifying that she was female. She had long grey hair, longest Dan had ever seen. He shouldn't have done what he did next.

"Excuse me madam, are you okay?" Dan asked cautiously, inching towards the lady slowly. She grunted in response, murmuring something under her breath.

"Ma'am?" Dan asked again, "can I ask for your name?" The lady looked up at him, her grey dead eyes peeking through his golden skin.

"You're a young fella aren't you? Pretty. You'd get all the ladies," she simply observed. "Perfect,"

At that particular moment, Dan had never been more confused in his life. The town he lived in was an innocent town, no pedophiles or criminals, so this behaviour towards a minor was odd.

"You wanna do a trade?" She hissed after a few moments. She handed out a beautiful bronze wooden ukulele out of her cloak, holding it with two honey hands. Dan stared at the instrument in awe. The ukulele glistened in the faint sunlight, glowing a nice gold. Dan loved to play ukulele, yet he never owned one.

"I'll give you this one of a kind ukulele if you give me something if yours, something that I desire as much as you desire the strumming of this special instrument," Dan was suddenly intrigued by the lady's offer, feeling happy to give up anything to have that wonderful ukulele. Dan nodded vigorously, scratching his eyes across every bit of the ukulele.

"I'll give you this ukulele which has the power of casting two people in love, if you give me your love to keep. You would never be able to be loved, but people would love each other because of you. You'll be a star," She murmured. Dan almost laughed. That ukulele wouldn't be able to do such thing, nor would she be able to take away his ability to be loved.

He took the ukulele, greed and gullibility plagued his mind and he quickly thanked that lady as if she was nothing, running down the alleyway to go home before he got caught in the next storm. The lady chuckled.

And that was the other think that went wrong in the particular Saturday. Dan fell for the witch's spell.

Author's note:

Does this sound like a good idea? I've wanted to write this story before. I'm not too sure on how this chapter has turned out but it'll get better, I promise!

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