Chapter 1 - December 11th

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Eight years later

"You're kidding me Dan! You knew I liked her!" Adrian hissed, kicking a pebble down the road. Dan walked beside his brother nonchalantly, hanging his ukulele over his shoulder. His hazelnut coloured hair curled sloppily across his forehead, getting wet from the slight rain. He ignored his brother's venomous statement.

He looked across the road, listening to the waves crash against the cliff they were across from. The road was almost crumbling at the end of the cliff, making the road too dangerous to drive across. The two boys were walking past the market, complaining as they walked home.

"She doesn't deserve you. I can't just make her love you, there has to be a sign for the two to love each other," Dan retorted finally. Adrian huffed, placing a new cigarette in between his chapped lips, lighting it with his lighter that he keeps in his ragged jeans.

Dan inhaled the smoke from Adrian's cigarette through his nose. The smell of the chemicals filled his lungs, making his insides warm. Adrian flicked his hair out of his brown eyes, almost knocking his cigarette out of his mouth.

"We really need to find you a good looking and nice person for you," Dan explained, stepping in a small puddle pooling in a crack in the pathway.

"She was so nice! Just because she was sour to you doesn't mean she was a bitch," Adrian snarled. Dan sighed, stopping suddenly next to a tall black streetlight.

"Meet a nice lady and introduce me to her, then maybe I can put up a play," Dan called, watching Adrian sulk away to his house. The rain had grown heavier as a sign for Dan to go back to his own home.


Dan could never be loved. His naive thoughts back in those years now plague his every move ever since. His parents left him soon after his new ukulele and Adrian was the one to 'look after' him. (Will I got attacked if I use his name?)

Dan lived on the side of the road and used to have little money to pay for food. His bones would stick out and it made him too weak to play his gift, until his thought blossomed through his mind.

He could do spells on the side of the street

With the instrument, when it was played it could make two desired people in love, so all he had to do was put up a 'play' to attract an audience and work his literal magic. Of course the money couldn't but for heaps of things, yet he didn't starve every night and casually faint of his lack of energy. It was his new job now.

He still could never be loved. It was the deal. No one could find anything to love about him.

Well, that's what the deal was, wasn't it?


Phil wasn't like every other person in this hellish neighbourhood. He was Phil. He wasn't up to the people's standards and he wasn't perfect.

Phil would walk around with his jet black hair sticking out in opposite places, bags under his eyes making him scary to younger children. He had tattoos peaking through his neck, simple cheap ones at that. He always wore black shirts and skinny jeans, yet on his arms were random swirls and designs.

You see, drawing on yourself is a happier version of cutting the skin. Phil loved to sketch of his own skin, it made him happier than having permanent scars litter his pale body.

Phil loved cats, and if you were to see his figure, you'd be surprised. Phil always set off this 'I want to murder you' vibe, so having a liking over something as cute and innocent as a cat wasn't like him. Compared to his dangerous vibe, he was a sweet and innocent klutz who loved almost everything.

He was vicious and unapproachable, but when you knew him he was a ray of sunshine how would protect you in any way, shape or form.

When he'd walk his dog, Seb the Rottweiler, he'd take the same route all the time. Phil only did that because of the person who lived on that particular street. Dan Howell, nicknamed the ukulele witch.

He knew it was stupid to give into the lies that the town told him, about there being a witch that would make you fall in love by strumming his small instrument, but Phil was desperate for love.

He had always wanted someone to lean on, to trust with his life but his all famous 'bad boy' vibe never really attracted anyone, let alone girls. He just wanted someone.

Seb started pulling on his ragged leash, cutting Phil's train of thought as he was pulled to a lamppost by his dog who desperately needed a wee. Phil allowed himself to be pulled by his dog, listening to the small taps of rain droplets and letting his mind wonder.

Maybe true love isn't real, and Phil's just wasting his time on nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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