Chapter 7

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I wake up to my phone going off with notifications. I get up and take a shower then pick out my outfit for today. When I got dressed I grabbed my phone and called the first person that called me to find out what's Poppin. "Hello what's up Dee".
Dee😻😻:meet me at my house boo
Me💙:alr ma
I hung up and got in my car .When I started the car I noticed that Black called me. I had multiple missed calls.

Me👄:Wassup ,why do I have missed calls from everyone?

Black😍😍: Boss Man proposed💍

Me👄 :Are you serious😍

Black😍😍:Dead but I'mma talk to u later I'm on my way to the trap

Me👄:Ok I'll see u when I get back from Dee place

I hung up and started for Dee house . I pulled up and walked in . Wassup Bitch ,I screamed. Hey babygirl she screamed back. I'm so fucking happy for you. Boss Man walked out of the room with Nevaeh (his daughter).Aye chill with all that he said smiling. Aw hey Vaeh, I said reaching for her . She is about to turn 5 in a couple of days. Hey mama I said smiling. She is very smart. I can't wait for her to start school.

I played with her for a while before leaving for the trap

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I played with her for a while before leaving for the trap . Before I left Dee asked me to be her Maid of Honor. How could I not. I left extra excited . Moments later I pulled up to the trap. I walked in to see that same tramp on the couch.She started staring. All I could do was brush it off. What I was thinking about was the fact that my 2 best friends were getting married. I went in the bathroom to curl my hair. I'm deciding on diying it red.Thats my color but that's a story for another day. I took off my shoes and laid on the couch next to her. I decided to be Petty and put my feet on her lap. I was surprised when she didn't say anything.So u not gone tell me to move,I asked.Naw ,she said.

Why not I asked confused.Because it doesn't bother me she said laying back. I laid back down and started playing on my phone. Wassup ma,I heard someone​say. I looked up to see Black standing over me . Wassup fineness I said smiling. He leaned over and gave me a kiss .I turned over on the couch.Black sat on the couch in front of me. Boss Man walked in and said that we all going out tonight so be ready to act a fool. Now everyone was hype.I took Blacks hat and put it on . I look fine in anything and everything,I said laughing.He agreed and walked away. What's going on with y'all the girl on the couch asked. We talking or whatever. I said smiling. Aye what's yo name I asked. August ,she said. I'm Redd. Are you going to the party tonight.I might she said.Gurl you Betta I said getting up . Come over my place and I'll help you get dressed I said walking away.

I mean I'm not gone make her best friend but we can go for friends.I put my phone on the charger then put on my shoes. Damn I'm hungry. Bae where u goin Black​ asked . I didn't even see him sitting in his car. I'm hungry I said whining . Come on we can go together he said. I got in the passenger seat and we went to Subway. Damn no wonder you look so good ,with yo healthy ass,he said. Boy shut up I said
getting out.

Welcome to Subway what can I get for you guys she said looking at Black. I wasn't paying attention to her. Uhm can I get the chicken,bacon ,ranch melt with a small diet Pepsi, I said . Ok and for you sir she asked smiling. I'll just eat off of her he said smiling at me . She looked at me and her smile went upside down oh ok well your total is $18.60 she said . I gave her a 20 and told her keep the change. I picked out what I wanted while Black got a seat. When the girl put my shit in the oven I went to go sit down.

Redd , Black said looking down. Yes bae I said looking at his phone. Yes I know his password. You coming to my crib after the party. Yes,I said looking at him . Alright he said getting up. Where you going I asked confused. To get yo shit he said smiling. Oh I said. He walked back and gave me a kiss😘.

He came back and we dipped. Damn gurl gimme some he said. I leaned over and let him get a bite.

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