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When I woke up Demonio was gone. But I felt someone coming someone familiar to me. The door broke down it was my mother. She grabbed my arm saying "come on we don't have very much time. I tried my hardest to pull back but she yanked me off the bed. That's when I saw Demomio on the floor soaked next to a bottle with a cross on it that I could only assume was holy water. I screamed as loud as I could. I pushed my mother out the door. But before I could close it she came back in and pushed me on top of Demonio. My back burning from the holy water she drenched him with so all I could do was cry. My mother backed up.

Zamani P.O.V.

She looks so unhappy, I don't want to cause her to have a break down maybe she'll be better off here.
Damn I bet she hates my soul. I basically used her as a slave anyway. But need to rent her off to a couple man to raise up some money. I could get her DNA ripped out of her so they cant track her but she doesn't even want to leave. Damn how bad of a mother was I to literally make her want to rather live in hell than with me. I hope Satan will be a better parent than me.
"Binti I'm so sorry for how horrible of a mother I was cruel and a lier, I should have you know." I kissed Binti's forehead then flashed out

Did my mother just.... uh what the fuck just..... um.... she actually cares about me.... she knows how to apologize.... I'm so confused..... wait why is my back burning..... oh shit Demonio. I ignored the burning and dragged him to the tub. I poured even more water on him as I took off his clothes. Shit this burn worse than hell. "Fuck shit damn you better be happy I love you." He still had a pulse. I dont know what to do.

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