Chapter 3

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Justin ignored me all throughout english today and I really needed to talk to him about what had happened the night before so i rushed off to lunch.
I walked over to his table and set down my stuff but he didnt even look at me.
"Hey. Justin. Can we talk?" I say after a few desperate seconds.
"Hm?" He looks over at me then turns his attention back to his friends.
"What the hell man!" I yell at him.
"Shh shh baby. No need to scream. Not that you didnt last night am i right!" Hes smiling from ear to ear and his friends high five him.
I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I chock them back but im sure he can see how much that hurt me in my face.
"Oh baby" he says turning hus attention back to me. "Dont be upset." He grabs my cheecks and forces me to look at him. "You were just a fling hotness. A one night stand. No strings attached. Now run along, go make some real friends." His voice is stern and i stand up to leave as he suggests but before i do i slap him hard right across the face. It turns pink instantly and you can see it hurt a bit. He reaches forward and grabs me by the shoulders pulling me closer to his face.
"Dont you ever touch me again you little bitch. You got played. Suck it up and deal with" i flick him off and push him off my shoulders then walk away.
"Thats a feisty one you banged there. Good job!"
"Yeah. You know what? You should take a run at her! Shes real easy. Practically begged me to fuck her."
At hearing this i speed up and run into the girls bathroom and sit down in the corner and cry. How could i be so stupid! The signs that he was an asshole and a fuckboy were everywhere but i didnt listen. I could have easily rejected him, hell i made the first real move! I put this on my self. I deserve what ever comes after this. How could i be so damn stupid!

Hey guys sorry the chapter is so short, i just didnt know what else i could add to it with out it being stupid and forced. Please vite comment and add this to your reading list!

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