Chapter 2

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WARNING: This chapter dose contain a grafic sex sceen.

My second day at school in this new town was about to start and i was actually looking forward to seeing Justin. I know crazy right? I run down stairs and look out the window. Justins car is still in the driveway. I run and grab my backpack and toast ( my usual breakfast) and return to the window. After i few minutes i see Justines front door open and he walks out.
"There my cue." I wisper and i walk out my front door.
"Ey! Lyra right!?"
"Oh. Uh ya. Justin right?" I play clueless.
"Sweet! We're nabors! Hey? Wanna car pool?" Its like shooting fish in a barrel.
"I mean. Ya. Sure." He turns around and walks to his car, opening the passenger door for me.
"After you hottness"
I blush and clime into his car.
"Nice car."
"Ya thanks. I got it for my 17 birthday." I just nod my head and we sit there in an awkward silence.
"Um. How long have you lived here?" I say in a desperate attempt to break the silence.
"My whole life. Born and raised right here. And you? Why did you move here?"
"My mom got a promotion and was transferred here."
"What dose she do?"
"She some kinda marketing manager for this big company i think." Oh thank god. We pull into the school parking lot and i jump out of his car. I start walking into school as he locks his car but he catches up to me and raps one arm around my waist. I blush but i dont push him away. And we just walk like that to english class.

"Ok class i will be assigning you a groupe project today. It is on the book we read yesterday in class. I have selected the groups you will be working with. We have Alice Jenkins and Robert Chase. Tiffeny Jones and Alex New. Lyra Stream and Justin Stinson. From across the room Justin looks at me an winks i smile in responce. Of course i get paired with Justin. Thats just my luck.
"You will have time to work on it in class with your partner but if you dont finish you'll have to call or FaceTime each other. Go over to their house. Divi up the work. I dont care as long as it gets done. Here is the assignment sheet, go get with your partners and get to work."
Justin walks over to my desk and leans on it.
"So. Your my partner" he says beaming.
"Yeah yeah. dont read to far into it. Just pull up a chair so we can finish this today."
"That wont be necessary" he says picking me up and setting me down on his lap like yesterday at lunch.
"Do you know how to sit in a chair with out a girl on your lap?"
"Yeah. I just prefer to sit with you on my lap."
"Well i dont. Could  you please just get your own chair."
"Miss. Stream. Please get off Mr. Stinsons lap."
"I've tryed. Tell him that."
"Mr. Stinson. Now."
"See even the teacher agrees with me."
"Yeah yeah. Ok." He says and he pushes me off into my chair and he pulls up a new one for himself.
"Ok so i think we should do option 2 because-"
"Your beautiful you know that." He says staring at me.
"Can we work?"
"Oh come on you can just come over to my house after school. You know where i live after all."
"Yeah, i dont want to go to your house."
"Come on" he says grabing my waist with one arm and moving my hair off my neck with the other.
"Can we please work." I squeez my eyes shut.
"Fine" he lets go and I relax. "Option 2 is fine."
"Thank you. I think we could go about doing this by-" the bell rings "damit."
"See you at my house" he says and he kisses my forehead before leaveing class.
.  .  .  .
I walk into the lunch room and over to Justins table. He isnt there yet but his friends are.
"Hey! She came back!"
"Very funny. Where else would i sit its not like i know anyone. Wheres Justin?
"Shut up!"
"He told me he was leaving early. Something about having to clean his room."
"Ya some chic is coming over there tonight and he doesn't want to scare her away!" Another guy jumped in. I blush and look down.
"He's probably out buying condoms!"
I cant help but laugh at his friends remark. Its kinda funny actually, him ditching school so i wouldnt think hes a slob. And buying condoms? I wasn't planning on fucking him tonight, but mabey he has different intention. I cant think about this here. I stand up and walk out the door to the parking lot and sure enough his car is gone. I sit down on the curb and put my head in my hands and rub my forehead. I had so many thoughts running threw my head i couldnt think straight and i had a massive headache. Could he really be buying condoms? And if he is what should i do? Do i even want to sleep with him? I mean i only met him yesterday and hes a perv but he's actually kinda nice and not to mention hes hot as hell. Should i turn him down? Should i just go with it? This is silly. I dont even know if thats what he wants i mean why would he? I stand up and walk back inside. The bell has already rung so i rush up to study hall. I half expect to see him sitting there at the desk next to mine trying to get me to sit on his lap as usual.
.  .  .  .
I take the bus home and walk the 3 blocks back to my house but stop at my front door and turn around. Justins car is parked in front of his house. I walk over and nock on his front door. Before i have a chance to trun and leave a woman opens it and smiles down at me.
"And who might you be?" She asks me intrigued.
"I- im Lyra. Im here to see Justin."
"Oh. Come on in hes just up stairs" she moves aside and i walk in. "Justin! Sweetie! Your friend Lyra is here!"
I hear running footsteps up ahead and runing down the stairs and they slow as soon as he get down.
"Oh hey Lyra. Ready to work?" He winks at me.
"Uh, ya." I say hesitantly and walk towards him and up the stairs to his bedroom.
I see him slip something into his bedside table before he turns to look at me, gesturing for me to sit down on his bed. I do si and he sits down beside me.
"Oh! my own seat how nice." I say mocking him and he blushes.
I reach into my backpack and pull out the assignment.
"Straight to work i see" he says and i giggle. " i dont want to do that."
"Well we have to so..."
"I know but i cant. I cant focus on anything other than you when your around." I blush and look up at him. Hes smiling at me. Not a big toothy smile. Just a smile. He slides behind me one leg on each side and kisses the back of my neck down my spine till he hits my shirt then he stop and rests his forehead on my back. I have to admit im turned on by this and i turn around and rap my legs around him straddling his hips in mine. I lift up his chin with my finger and kiss him once on the lips. I pull away to look at him but he kisses me back repeatedly. I gently part my lips granting his tongue access and he exepts. He flips me over on to my back and kisses my neck, sucking on my collar bone. I reach my hands under his shirt and pull it off and he dose the same for mine. He places kisses along the iner edge of my bra. He then works his way down and i moan when he places one below my belly button. He pulls off my shorts and slides my underwear over to the side inserting a finger and i moan again. He kisses my lips again as he inserst another fingure and pumps me harder. I try and unbutton his pants and he takes my hint slipping them off along with both our underwear.
"Condom" i moan and he jumps over to his bedside table and pulls one out and quickly rolls it on before placeing himself at my entrance and pushes his full length into to me. I moan louder and grip the head board for support as he pushes himself in and out quickly. I flip him over so im on top and he unclips my bra as I continue moving up and down fast.
"Shit im about to cum." He moans
"Right there with you." I say threw partially gritted teeth.
I push him up into my g spot serveral times in a row and my muscles tighten around him as i cum and so dose he. I slow down and pull my self off of him and lay next to him on the bed.
"Damn." I say and he laughs. He raps me in his arms and spoons me for afew minutes planting the occasional kiss on my neck.
"We should work" i say sitting up and he nods. I clime out of his bed and he walks up behind me placeing his hands on my hips as i lean over looking for my underwear. I stand up abruptly and he wispers "that was fun. We shoukd do it again sometime." I shiver and nod as he turns away to get dressed.

Thank you for reading on to chapter 2 of The Player i hope you are enjoying the story so far and if you are please vote comment and add this book to your reading list!

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