Is this real?

17 3 0

I put my hand in my pocket so fast a seam rips.


I walk on.

I turn the corner.

I stand stock still.

Two men are waving sticks.

Two buildings fly up from its ruins.

One notices somethings here and turns around, just as I duck back.

He sees the umbrella poking up.

"Who is there?" he calls

I rise and walk towards him.

"Me sir. I saw what you did." I say,  "Is this real?"

He looks mildly annoyed. His friend comes over and whispers something to him.

"No-maj." he said.

"Whats a no-maj?" I ask. I need answers.

"Come with me and I'll tell you." The first man says..

Although I'm intrigued I reply, "Mommy says not to go with strangers."

"You're mommy is right, but we're police."

"Where's your uniform?"

"We're secret police. Now come with me and don't ask questions."

I know I shouldn't, but I follow him. The other goes back to waving his stick.

"You're magic, aren't you!"

"I said no questions."

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