Chapter 4.

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Rose's P.O.V.

I clutched onto my bag and tried to stop shaking. Yeah, of course I was nervous; I was about to meet my bullylover, as I used to call him back in Phoenix. I inhaled calmly and exhaled the stress. I could feel my muscles getting a little bit less tensed. I was almost there, only one lane left..

I turned around the corner and my heart stopped. Right there sat the one who made my high school life a hell. Zach Thomasson. I swallowed and took small steps towards the cafe where he was waiting for me.

I scratched my dry throat. "Zach?" He looked up, and I must say, he didn't look bad. Actually he looked really good. Oh for gods sake Zach Thomasson became a fucking sex god who the hell am I kidding. "Rose! I was quite surprised when you called me! How are you?" He stood up, hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "I'm grand, except a couple of problems, but how are you?" He smiled at me. "I couldn't have been feeling better, business is good, and I'm having lunch with one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my entire life."

Exhibit A: Talks about me like he's not over me.

I just laughed a little. "But what kind of problems do you have?"

Exhibit B: Shows interest in personal cases.

I looked around like I was searching for something, while I actually wasn't. I looked back at him. "There is someone chasing me and Sean. He's like a stalker." His eyebrows shot up. "Okay two things. One, do you have a stalker and two, who is Sean?" I nodded. "Yep, we are about to go to the police if he calls me one more time, and Sean is my husband." I glared at him from the corners of my eyes and saw his fists tense up.

It was hard to tell why he had tensed up; because of the police thing; because of Sean or because of the stalker in general. "Your husband?" I looked up. "Yeah, we married back in June." His eyebrows shot up. "Wait, you're nineteen and you're married?" I nodded. "Wow, you must be in love." I smiled. "Yes I am."

"But about this stalker, do you have any idea of who it could be?" Right there I did the thing that I practiced with Sean. I changed my glare. From sweet and innocent to a freaking killer look. I looked him right in the eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I hit a sore spot?" My teeth clenched. "Don't act like you don't know, Thomasson, it's so obvious. Ever since you're here this creep has been calling me so it can't be anyone else. You talk with me like you still want to date me and want to know all of my personal stuff." He was about to speak as I cut him off. "And don't deny it, we both know you are my stalker so you can stop now. I don't want you, I never wanted you, and I never will. Am I clear?" He looked at me wide eyed. "Is this some sort of joke?" "I asked you, Am I clear?"

He frowned and stood up. "This is absurd. Here, I'm paying, make sure you get home safely, okay?" I frowned. "If I get another call from you again I'm calling the police." Zach had already walked a bit further. He turned around. "I'm not the one you're looking for, unfortunately! I hope you'll find him soon though!" And then he turned back around and soon enough he was gone with the wind.


"And, what did he say?" I scowled. "He denied everything." His eyebrows shot up and he sighed. "Okay, what an ass. I hope he stops, otherwise I'd have to go with Sushi and Tanner to learn him his lesson." I looked up from my telephone and smiled at Sean. "You know I love you, right?" He smiled back at me. "Of course I know you love me. I love you too."

The feeling Sean gave me everytime said that to me was so undescribable, it's just a feeling I want to feel forever. His blue eyes and other features made him the most attractive, handsome, sweet, caring, and loving husband I coud ever ask for, and I'm sure as hell that I never want to lose him.

"Don't do that." "Do what?" He smiled while running through his paperwork. "Don't stare at me so dreamily, it makes me want to kiss you." I smiled at him and grabbed his cheeks with both hands. I pulled his face forwards and pressed my lips on his.

He immediately responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me extremely close. His lips made my head go wild, I still enjoy his loving touch everyday of my life.

As we were in the middle of a heated make out session, my phone beeped. I reached for it while I pulled away from Sean. He made a pouty face and winked at me. I just rolled my eyes playfully while opening the text.

You think you can just sweep me off like that? Ha, think again, you bitch. You're just a dirty little whore. I'm watching you.

Unknown P.O.V.

I walked away from her and went around the corner. I left her stunned, I could see it in her eyes. When she laid her eyes on me, something in me fired up. She keeps me going, she is my source of energy, my muse.

She was dressed very prettily today, but unfortunately it wasn't for me. Well, of course it's for me, she dresses up for me every day. She wants me to notice her. Like no one does. Rose is the most stunning woman in the whole universe.

I walked around for a while before stopping in front of a jeweler. I quickly thought about it before stepping in. I looked around before my eyes fell on this silver ring. It was beautiful, it reminded me of her.

Elegant, chic, but casual as well.

"Sir?" The man looked up and came my way. "How much is this one?" He grabbed it from my hand and grabbed this little lens and looked at the ring before using a calculator to figure out a price. "That'd be around 570 dollar, sir, are you interested?" I bit my lip. A lot of money, but hey, a beautiful girl is worth all of my money. "Yes, I'll take it." The man smiled at me. He walked to the cash register and I paid for the incredibly expensive ring that was meant for her finger.

I walked out and back to the hotel. Once I reached it I plumped down on the bed and sighed. "God dammit, I'm a mess." I said to myself. I looked at my watch and saw that it was about 7 PM. Rose is going to school tomorrow so that means I can put the ring in her pocket. That seems like a great idea.

I sat down on the balcony and thought about some shit. I don't know how, when, where, and with who but I'll get her back. That little backstabbing bitch only cheats on me and she'll pay for that. She's a piece of shit and she has to know.

But on the other side, there is this weak spot I have for her. Her beauty is beyond compared. Her beautiful grey eyes are printed on my retina like no other. My hands can still feel her stunning figure. Feeling every perfect curve. Her hands as soft and pure as silk. She is just perfect.

Yet her character betrays her beauty. She is a bitch, that's just the truth. But that doesn't mean I can't tame her. Sean can't though. I mean everytime she's outside with him and I spy on them, I can see she holds herself down. Just because Sean has the money she'll stay with him.

Anger boilt up inside me and I instantly pulled out my phone. I dialed her number on the anonymous mode. It took her a while. "Rose O'Donnell speaking." I covered the bottom of the phone with the cloth I quickly gathered. "You fucking slut. You think you can just make me leave like that. Well, you have thought wrong. You are the one who makes me do this, you realise that right? You're so dead." "ZACH STOP! YOU HAVE HAD YOUR FUN AND I THINK I'VE MADE MYSELF CLEAR? CALL ME ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL PUT THE FUCKING POLICE ON YOU!" I laughed.

"Bitch, you think you can just put me aside, I thought you were smarter than that!" It remained slient on the other side of the line. "Zach, would you just please stop? You don't have to do this." "Oh trust me I have to baby." I hung up.

A glorious smirk framed my face while I fell on the creaky hotel bed. I sighed and laughed. Rose begged me to stop. Begged. If this bitch thinks she can just sweep me off like that. Begging doesn't help at all. It shows weakness. I'll make her a lot tougher after I'm done with her. I reached for my phone again and opened the text message app.

You're so dead baby.

Reveal yourself (Sequel to Big Blue Eyes, Sean O'Donnell.)Where stories live. Discover now