Our Perpetual Love

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I couldn't believe my eyes as I took in your presence before me. It was as if time had stopped around us. Nothing needed to be said, for our eyes told the story that we wouldn't dare speak into the atmosphere. My feet, as if they had a conscience of their own, led me to the one thing I had missed the most for the past year.


The smiles on our faces were bright enough to light up the darkest places and the saddest of hearts. We molded together perfectly, finding our place in each other's arms effortlessly. Nobody else mattered in that moment. It was a moment that should be cherished, one well lived.

With a cloudy mind, all the words that I'd wanted to tell you subconsciously rolled off my tongue. A feeling of euphoria captivating me as you whispered sweet nothings in my ear. It was in that moment that I realized that this is no longer infatuation, this was love.

Love...something I thought could only be felt on a movie screen or etched onto the pages of a Nicholas Sparks novel. Something I was always afraid to feel. Afraid that once I captured it, it would be whisked away from me like the wind of yesterday. I knew that now that I had you in my grasp, I wouldn't be letting you go ever again. I had seen a world without you in it and what an empty world that was.

All the fear and doubt that once clouded my judgement had been replaced with excitement and sureness. I knew that this moment was purely ours and it was to be kept sealed within the security of our minds.

You pulled away, much to my disappointment, and uttered three words that I'd hoped you'd say once we were reconnected.

"I missed you"

And it was when you spoke these next three words that I'd been waiting to hear from you for over a year that I knew you had no intentions of letting me go either.

"I love you"

Our Perpetual LoveWhere stories live. Discover now