"I'll protect you if you protect me."

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"Hey, Hit?" Frost asked, his eyes staring down to the floor. His hand was placed against the assassins chest as his partners arm wrapped around him securly. The lizards eyes were dim and almost empty, his mind seeming uncreative with thoughts for the night. But of course, he always had at least one thing on his mind. Even in a position like this as he leaned against Hit, the two of them snuggled into the sofa next to each other calmly.
Hit opened his eyes slowly, having been awoken from his own deep thoughts. He gazed down at Frost curiously, a blank expression on his features as he muttered a single, "Hm?". With such an answer, Frost found it difficult to speak his mind. He soon came to guess it may be because he wasn't as simple minded as the hitman. But the thought he stuck to at that very moment unnerved him for some reason, although the question he wished to say wasn't personal. Yet even with his abruptly appearing nervousness, a sense of warmth filled him as he felt Hit pull him closer, as if the man could just tell his emotions were tense. Maybe that's how they came to be involved with each other, it was clear too Frost that Hit knew more of about the pirate than anyone else. Although that fact wasn't hard to believe since Frost had very few people he was close to, especially since he was a criminal in the process of being 'reformed'. Frost cringed slightly at the image or idea of someone like him succumbing to the system of redemption, even if it was being done thanks to someone he loved.
He was a guy with lies and secrets that hardly even seemed important now. But when you walked the streets for most of your life, as well as cause war laced destruction just for the chance to get land at a cheap price and enjoy the popularity from civilians who thought you're some kind of hero, it makes sense that Frost would be uncomfortable or unagreeing with the descision to change how he lives his own life. But he was now almost a year into his and Hits relationship, and he quickly discovered how things were getting easier. He even began to feel regret for the pain he caused to so many he tricked and lied to. But regret dies off, and Frost didn't always feel sorry for what he did for long periods of time. The thoughts of his past might appear in his brain for short moments, and they might cause him to stop and think on them, maybe even wish they never happened, but he'd soon let himself toss the memories away like recyled trash because they'd just come back later. And the con-artist had to admit it wasn't fun. The flashbacks would just appear in ways that seemed out of his control, because it was clear he didn't want to stress on or picture them at all.
When the day came that he told Hit about his problem, the assassin simply said it was all part of the process, and that it was the result of his subconcious trying to convince itself that what was happening is wrong. Of course, Frost didn't get left off with that, as Hit used the chance to state that the annoying thoughts could go on for a couple years if not come to terms with. And Frost didn't come to terms or accept them. It wasn't that he didn't want to, though. He just didn't see the need for it, the lizard felt like he accepted them long ago since he pretty much lived them. But no matter how hard he might've tried, the reaccouring emotions he called gult started to surface in his sleep. They didn't treat him like nightmares, but he still found them unpleasent. The journey Frost was on wasn't like torture, he knew better then to think of it that way. But it was something he didn't enjoy, even if the past only came to him in small amounts now and then. He ended up seeking a bit of guidance from his trusted partner due to the mild agitation he felt from them. His seeking of assistance turned out to be something he much enjoyed, as he and Hit spent more time with each other. Physical time to put it short. But when Frost first heard Hit mention the idea, he figured the hitman was insisting on intimate bonding and not sensual affection. But the pirate allowed himself to appreciate the soft attention that soon became almost routine. And the best part for the Ice-jin was that the physical therapy worked. Although, it didn't make the memories go completely, Frost found them to be more and more faint and less occuring. He didn't fully understand why this was so, but he liked it nonetheless.
And now he and Hit sat here together, cuddled on the couch within each others warmth. The feeling of the stronger males prescence around him made Frost purr with soft affection, as his muscles relaxed and released their tension. He shut his eyes. Knowing Hit was with him gave Frost a sense of security and importance. And it evoked mixed feelings inside him that he restrained with subtle ease. And this security made him feel braver and more motivated in some way, so much so that he spoke his question without even thinking.
At first, Frost was unaware of his sentence that his mouth spilled. But as reality sunk in, his eyes opened swiftly. He hesitated to inform Hit that he didn't mean to say what he did, that the words, "would you ever kill me?" weren't his intention to say. But he said them. And he didn't get the chance to lie and tell Hit it was unintentional, because the taller male slowly sat himself up. Frost turned his eyes to the hitmans and he noticed a change in his expression. He wore a look of startled seriousness, and Frost felt like he had no place to speak right then. So, he watched and listened anxiously as Hit replied to the lizards unexpected question. "Frost....what the Hell makes you think I'd ever kill you?" The mans response was said more softly than Frost had expected, which was startling. But Hits words seemed more laced with concern then any signs of anger or shock. And it was only after processing the question that Frost sighed and looked away, almost ashamed and regretful for even thinking to ask the question he did. But he asked it and there was no turning back now. For a moment he thought on what to say. Then, he set his hands in his lap and bit his lip, pulling away from his lovers embrace. He spoke with uncertainty. "I...I don't know, I guess I was just curious is all." And it was true, he was curious. The fact that someone like Hit may have to kill him one day hardly even grazed his mind until now. And it struck him hard, but he found himself unwilling to question it. Yet he feared it would turn into an aching thought that would forever jab at his head unil he got it out of his system. So he did what his intincts told him and let it out. Now he had to endure a possible conversation with the guy the question was aimed towards. And he tensed slightly when he heard Hits voice change to one of seriousness as the purple male stared at him with a look of question and small sympathy. "Frost, you know I wouldn't kill you. At most, all I would need to do is put you into custody." And then Hit leaned down and pulled Frost back to him, and his tone quieted when he saw the almost upset look on the Ice-jins face. "I didn't think that was such a big deal to you still-" "It's not." Frost found himself interrupting the assassin. He let out a deep breath as he turned his face to meet Hits eyes. His lips parted to release words, "At least...not until now." And for a moment he stared as Hit went silent. And then, Frost continued on with his sentences. He dropped his gaze. "It's just...it never dawned on me how someone could easily give you a contract for my assassination. I'm not saying I've been fearing or waiting for that, I just never came to think on that fact, that's all." His words were truthful. And for the longest second Frost simply stared down at his hands that lay in his lap. He wondered vividly if his own words sank into Hit, but the thought seemed unlikely as the room around them continued to be filled with an open silence. But then, Frosts eyes widened partially as he saw a larger hand reach into his lap and grab his gently. The pirate heard an audible, though hefty sigh from his left, and the grip that Hit held on his hand tightned then, almost like the muscular man thought Frost would spring from the sofa and run to a random room to lock himself away for the night only to be found gone by a ghostly morning. The firmness of the assassins fingers wrapped around Frosts hand felt possessive in some way. Or maybe Frost was just misinterpreting it that way. But even so, Frost became enveloped with a sudden emotion of determination. As if his thoughts changed from the feeling of nervous and anxiousness to one of protectiveness. It was strange yet it seemed to natural for him. This unexpected feeling to fight and live for the one that sat next to him was odd yet sweet. And as if his personality was rewritten from scratch, Frost gripped Hits hand with his own in a similar manner before twisting his body around to stare Hit dead in the eyes. He ignored the hitmans visible confusion and spoke. "Hit...I-" he cut himself off then, suddenly unsure if his new drive was worth expression in such a moment. He studied Hits face for a split second before deciding to roll with his descicion. He put on a look of determined sureness. "I know this is going a but off topic, but just stay quiet and listen. I..." he took a deep breath, paused, and resumed. "I promise I'll protect you if you swear to protect me!!"
Frost exclaimed, his words almost echoing through the house. He stared at Hit sternly. Hit shifted his eyes silently,  trying to process what he heard. Then, he spoke back slowly, as though he wasn't too sure of his words himself. "...protect me?" He repeated Frosts statement. The Ice-jin noded in reply. "Yes. I know it sounds odd but I'll do so if I must!" Frosts sure and certain tone caught Hit momentarily off guard. But after a small second he smiled. The assassin shook his head with a chuckle as he looked at his partner. "What's with this sudden change in attitude? Frost, I know you mean well, but I'm pretty sure you know I'm capable of defending myself quite well-" "I do, really I do! But damnit Hit, I don't care!" Frost interupted Hit once more. The fire in his eyes glowed amidst the darkened room they sat in. Hit found himself admiring that fire and burst of determination, as he inspected the lizard from a visual standing. And he could tell that such a flame ones eyes couldn't be burnt out easily. So, Hit held his smirk as he moved to tug Frost close to him. He whispered into his ear with a small tone of joking, as if he didn't believe what Frost told him yet he chose to go a long with it anyway. "Alright pirate, if you say so. If you really ARGH telling the truth then I suppose there's no point in trying to change your mind." And Hit grinned as he heard Frost let out a groan of hushed annoyance over the subtle pun in the assassins words. But even with the small, newfound agitation over the hitman, Frost couldn't help but purr once again before huddling as close as he could to him. Hit closed his eyes back and pulled Frost down along the sofa with him, so they layed across it, with Frosts smaller form stretched on top of his. They stayed there for a while, the whole time forgetting about most of their discussion.
Frost yawned with fatigue as the familiar warmth of Hits body overtook him again. His eyes shut without resistance as he focused on and listened to the comforting lullaby of Hits heartbeat. It was soothing to feel and fall asleep to, and for a good amount of time, Frost thought life was a dream. He had gotten a large weight off his shoulders, and Hit accepted his unease over that weight. Now all Frost had to wait for was sleep to drag him into a session of peaceful, much needed dreams. All the while he slept in the grasp of someone that drained away all his bad thoughts so that he, too, could fall silently underneath sleeps spell before being greeted by an enticingly welcoming morning.

"I'll protect you if you protect me."- A Frit Oneshot!Where stories live. Discover now