Chapter 29

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Tords POV

My whole body ached. I was thrown into a concrete wall, and kicked in the stomach.
I watched as he walked away. Silent. Then he yelled to get back to training. A girl walked over to me, Aria I think. And she waved her hand over me. I suddenly felt fine.
A healer.

I stood up and walked over to where Novae was. He still was walking, but incredibly slow. When he got over to Gray, he wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him. He looked like he was crying. Like he didn't want to do that. Like he had two sides. A killer, and himself. I walked up beside them and leaned up against a wall.
"You!" Tom sneered while pulling Novae off of Gray to look at him.
Novae looked at him with surprised and broken eyes.
"YOUR THE SINGING KILLER!" He yelled at him.
Novae looked at him, shocked, and it seemed like he knew the name.
"YOU'RE A MURDERER!"  Tom screamed in his face. Tears welled up in Novae's eyes.
"No I'm not!"
He had nothing to say to that.
He looked like he was remembering.
I crept into his thoughts, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Images of Novae, looking only a few years younger, came up. He was singing the same song, the same voice, and was killing people. A lot of people.

I left his thoughts and looked at him. Tears were rolling down his face.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out two hand knives, and put them onto his fingers.
Once again I went into his thoughts. I saw a vivid image of Novae stabbing someone. And guess who was beside the victim.

I hurriedly left again and watched what was going on.
Novae put one of the blades to his face, and swiped it across. Blood poured out of his face. He didn't scream. Didn't flinch. Didn't wince. Didn't anything.
"You enjoyed seeing that didn't you?" Novae laughed, trying not to mentally break down.
He walked, then started running away, towards the entrance of the base. Gray soon followed.
"Come on!" Gray yelled at me.
I ran after them. I left Tom there. And Skya started talking to him.

This was going to be a long day.

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