first chapter

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Arianna pov

"Arianna your trash"
"Go kill yourself"
"Your mate will reject you"
This is what I normally hear all day not just from my pack but from my own brothers.I usually think I should kill myself but then I remember what about the little girls and boys who look up to me.

Anyw-"Oi slave get me my food"

"Okay what would you like to eat Jack" I ask polity

"Coco pops now" jack said

Did I forget to mention jack is my youngest brother

"Arianna get your ass down here and make us all breakfast" mum said

"Yes mom right away" I said

As soon as I'm done making there food I rush of the school even though I hate it there I mean I'm half human so I should only have to do half of human years but no.


"Amelia??" I say

"Look who we have here nerd and geek freak" Aria says

"Leave us alone Aria we did nothing wrong to you" Amelia said

"Shut your mouth Omega" aria said

"Don't speak to her like that she is new to this school so she don't know who you are so you shut up bitch aria" I say

"What did you say to your future Luna,Omega"jamie said

" Jamie I said Don't speak to her like that she is new to this school so she don't know who you are so you shut up bitch aria" I said

"Shut your fucking mouth Omega Aria is right your mate will reject you and guess what bitch I Jamie Oliver Jacksons future alpha reject you omega and sister Arianna Remi Jacksons as my mate" Jamie said

As soon as he said that I just collapsed and passed out.

Jamie pov

"Shut your mouth Omega" aria said

"Don't speak to her like that she is new to this school so she don't know who you are so you shut up bitch aria" Ari said

"What did you say to your future Luna,Omega" i said

" Jamie I said Don't speak to her like that she is new to this school so she don't know who you are so you shut up bitch aria" Ari said

"Shut your fucking mouth Omega Aria is right your mate will reject you and guess what bitch I Jamie Oliver Jacksons future alpha reject you omega and sister Arianna Remi Jacksons as my mate" I said

After I rejected Arianna she just collapsed I just laughed and called her weak.About 2 hours later I hurd the janitor scream in horror

"Someone get the nurse there is someone passed out and is unresponsive to anyone"Jannie said

She was a janitor but damn she was fit to be a Victoria secret model

"Jamie get ur ass over here and help Arianna" Aria's little sis said

"Amelie she has just passed out that's all she didn't ear this morning like she never does" I responded with no consern over ari

"OMG ARIANNA ARIANNA ARIANNA PLZ RESPOND jannie call 999 if she don't get to the hospital soon she may die" The nurse said

As soon as she said that arianna woke up and looked my way and I swar I saw her cry what made me mad was what she said

Arianna pov

"I Arianna Remi Jacksons Omega I acept your rejection Soon to be alpha Jamie Oliver Jacksons" I said

They I just ran no longer in control of my own self my wolf Crystal Winter or just cris or tal or star I call her crystal or Star my twin wolfs passed over sisters name.

As crystal started slowing down in pase I recognise this place it was the hell I called home I ran to what you could call a room and......

To be continued next chap

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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