The Ride

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He starts the car. The first 5 minutes we didn't say anything. Then he begin speaking.

'Sorry for Gabriella.'

'Doesn't matter. Is she always like this?'

'No. Yesterday was the first time she acted strange.'

'That's just what she is. Strange' I whisper to myself.

'What did you say?'


'You know, I think she's jealous'

'Why do you think that?'

'Because when I laughed at you, that moment she began act like this.

'You think she's jealous at me?'


'Are you serious? SHE is jealous at ME??'

'Why do you think she can't be jealous at you?'

'Huh, have you ever looked at me that well?'

'Yeah you're beautiful.'

I'm blushing so much now. Did he really say that I'm beautiful?? I don't know what to say.

'Sorry but it's the truth'

'Thank you' I smile at him and he smiles back. I'm happy that it's already a bit dark outside because he really could see me blushing.

'You changed a lot.'

What I changed? What does he mean? I'm boring now? Or I'm weird? Or I'm..

'In a good way, I mean'

'Oh okay' I say in a relieved way.

'Still the same insecure girl. Where you afraid that I was thinking that you changed.. like in a bad way? I don't know why you have to be insecure. you're perfect.'

'No I wasn't thinking that'

'Yes, you were because you had that look'

'What look?'

'That look you had when...'


'When ... Kendall and Taylor you bullied.'


'Sorry I didn't want..'

'It's okay. It's in the past.'

Again we have that silence. I really need to know this. I'm just going to ask him. I know I'm going to ruin the mood.

'So how do you met each other?'


'You and Gabriella'

'Oh, I met her on a party. She's friends with a friend of me. Why?'

'Just wondering'

'It's notting serious.'

'I wouldn't say that. It's obvious that..'

'We're here'

What? No! I wanted to ask so much more to him!

'Okay. Thanks for driving me home'

'Wait what were you going to say?'

'Leave it'

'No I want to know. Tell me.'

'It's just that it's obvious that you are serious dating'

'No it's not. I'm going to break up with her.'

Is he serious? Is he going to break up with her? But but but that means that I have a chance.. maybe.


'I don't lover her. Never did and never will. She's just a random girl. That friend said that she was hot, she's but that's all. She's notting more. You can't talk to her about serious subjects.'

She's hot. Well thank you Harry. You know that self confidence I had 5 minutes ago? That's gone.

'Ooh' is all I can say.

That moment my mum walks toward us.

'Emily! Where have you been? Your dad and I were worried! Why didn't you call or send me a message?'

'Sorry mum I forgot. I was busy with..'

'With what? And who's this?' she points to Harry.

'That's Harry.'

'Harry?' Harry comes out of his car.

'Hi Miss. Walker'

'Please. Call me Samantha, Harry'

'Okay Samantha.'

'Come in! It's been ages!'

'Uhm okay'

My mother, Harry and me walk into our house. I can't remember the time Harry had been here. My dad's sitting on the couch.

'Who we have here Emily? Is that your boyfriend?' He says.

I'm blushing. I hope Harry doesn't look at me. Can it be more embarrassed? My dad just called Harry my boyfriend. I hope one day I can call him my boyfriend.

'No Dad he isn't' not now. 'It's Harry.'

'Wow Harry is that really you? You changed a lot!' my dad stands up and shakes Harry's hand.

'Yeh it's me. It's been a while.'

'How are you?'

'I'm good thank you'

'What a coincidence, I saw your mum yesterday at work.'

Why would his mum be at his office? Would they move to someone else?

Oh no maybe I will never see him again. I need to ask him this.

'We are going to my room.' I say 'if that's okay with you?' I turn to Harry.

'Yeh of course.'

We walk upstairs, to my room.

'It's changed a lot here since I was here the last time. Then it was all pink and there were toys and stuff'

'Would it not be weird if I had all those stuff when I'm 17?'

'Yeh It would. So.. what do you want to do?'

'I want to talk with you'

'About what?'

'About us'

(Hiiii! What do you think of the new chapter? Please comment and vote! Love you.X)

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