sweet candy kisses

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Hey my little kittens, Lilly here, just wanted you to know that I will try my hardest to make this one a good chapter. Anyways, have fun reading



Lloyd's p.o.v

I was sitting on the couch reading a comic book. I was kind of bored just waiting for (y/n) to get back from wherever she said she was supposed to go

Two hours past and I finished my comic book. I was laying back on the couch relaxing when all of a sudden someone burst through the door

I jolted up off the couch in pure shock

Lloyd: who's there! Show yourself!

?: relax it's just me

I turned to see (y/n) slitely jumping up and down with a bag of candy in her hand

Lloyd: no way! You got candy from that new store!

(y/n): yes! Do you want some?!

Lloyd: heck yeah!

(y/n) and I then sat on the couch. We were going through the candy like lightning

There was one peace of candy left, it was my favorite too


Lilly: just so you know (f/c) is also favorite candy. That's all. Continue reading


I was about to grab the (f/c) when all of a sudden (y/n) snaches it away

Lloyd: hey! I was going to eat that!

(y/n): you want it?

Lloyd: uh...yeah. I do

(y/n): then come and get it

She then put the (f/c) in her mouth. I was trying to think of something when all of a sudden it hit me

Lloyd: 'I know just what to do...yes this is the greatest idea I ever had'

I pulled her towards me with both of my hands. I pressed my face against hers and got the candy out of her mouth

When I pulled away I saw her face was so red, it was as red as a rose

(y/n): L-Lloyd

Lloyd: yeah? What is it?

(y/n): did you just do what I think you just did?

After she said that I realized what I just did. I kissed her

Lloyd: 'I can't believe I just kissed her! What am I supposed to do now!?'

Your p.o.v

I looked away with the worst blush on my face. I was so shocked and embarrassed

I just looked at him. He was thinking, shoked, and eating the peace of candy he stole from me, he also stole my first kiss

(y/n): 'what do I do know'

We sat there just thinking. After a while I got an idea

(y/n): 'I know'

I looked at Lloyd and he looked at me. We slowly leaned closer to each other

(y/n): ' this is my chance'

Lloyd: (y-y/n)? Wh-what are y...

I close of the gap between us. He was hesitant at first but after  about two seconds he kissed back

I was then shocked. I didn't think he would kiss back so suddenly. I didn't kiss back for about two minutes

We kissed for what seemed like hours. We layed down on the couch, Lloyd being on top

Lloyd: (y/n)...you're...you're such a great...a great kisser

(y/n): you're...you're not so...so bad yourself

We kept making-out until we heard a knock. We got up and sat normally

Both: come in

Kia: hey I just...wo, I didn't know you had that in you Lloyd

Lloyd: we were just eating candy...see

He held up the bag that the candy was in, I was blushing bad

Kia: ok, well, everyone needs to be in the bridge for that thing

Lloyd: oh yeah, that

Kia then left for that thing he was talking about I just looked at Lloyd confuesingly

(y/n): what was he talking about Lloyd?

Lloyd: oh nothing important. Come on we should go to the bridge

I just nodded

When we got upstairs the lights were off

(y/n): why at the lights off Lloyd?

Nothing. I heard nothing. I couldn't even find him in the dark

(y/n): L-Lloyd?

All of a sudden the lights came on. There were decorations all over the place. Then, all of a sudden, everyone popped out of no where and surprised me

Everyone: surprise! Happy birthday (y/n)!

(y/n): awe thanks you guys

After that I had a great time. About an hour or two later everything was cleaned up and everyone went to bed


Lilly: I'll keep it short but sweet. Thanks for reading and a shout out to the reader who wanted this chapter go's to @turtlez19 thanks again and see you next time. Bye bye

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