finding the purple ninja

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Lloyd's p.o.v

Wu: we have to find that new ninja

Jay: but sensei we don't even know who he or she is *leans over to Kai and whispers sometging*

Cole: yeah sensei not only that we don't even know where to find this ninja, let alone know what he's capable of

Kai: Cole is right, how can we get him if we don't even know what we're up against

I just sat there watching them talk about that mysterious ninja that saved me from that guy, everyone thinks that the ninja in purple is a guy, but I don't know if that ninja is a guy or girl, I just wanna know everything

I was thinking so much about that ninja and the new teacher, that the next thing I know is that Kai is snapping his fingers in front of me

Kai: earth to Lloyd, earth to Lloyd come in Lloyd, are with us buddy?

Lloyd: hmm, oh yeah I'm here, I was just thinking

Jay: about what?

Kai: probably about the new teacher, he probably likes her so much that he can't stop thinking about her

Lloyd: WHAT?! NO! I JUst was thinking about that mysterious purple ninja

Cole: well we're gonna go look around the woods really quick, if he's not there then we will try the mountains and then the city

Zane: so what are we waiting for let's get going

We all went out to go find that ninja, before I head out the door everyone in front of me just stopped

Lloyd: why are we stopping?

Kai: because, the new teach want's to ask you something

After Kai said that I see (y/n) walking over towards me, I start to blush hard, I could hear everyone snickering at me, when I looked back at (y/n) I saw her (h/l) (h/c) was put in a (h/s) (that stands for hair style) I looked into her (e/c) eye's when she started to speak

(y/n): hey Lloyd

Lloyd: y-yeah what is it (y-y/n)?

(y/n): I was just wondering, where are you six going?

Lloyd: we're going to the woods to go find that purple ninja, if not there then the mountains and then the city

Your p.o.v

(y/n): Ok, good luck finding the ninja

Lloyd: thanks

After Lloyd thanked me he went off, I then looked out the window again and saw the same ninja again, I decided to get dressed up in my ninja outfit and meet them there in the woods, luckily I have a house in the woods

I took a shortcut to the wood, I acted like I was gathering wood so I could have a fire, I only came out here for vacations, after gathering the wood for my vacation next week I could hear foot steps from above, I look up to see the ninja, I luckily had my mack on so they don't know who I am

I then started running to my house, I could see them running after me, they were slow or I was fast, I was running full speed, I later got to my house and put my fire wood down and went inside, I then locked the doors so the ninja couldn't get in, I later look out my window to see one of them banging on my door

Red ninja: open up we just want to talk

Blue ninja: don't make us force this door open

I look at them and shook my head no, they later started talking and next thing I know some one said something inside my house

Cole's p.o.v

Kai: open up we just want to talk

Jay: don't make us force this door open

After jay said that we all gathered up in a circle in front of the door, as they talked Kai told me to go in and kind of scare the guy out

I walked through the door and started to think 'ok Cole, what am I going to say, "hi I'm the ninja of earth and I come her to get you" no that's not it, come on Cole think' after I was done thinking, I just decided to do what a ghost would do

Cole: ooooo, I've come to get you

After I said that I heard a door close and then the guys come in, they looked around but then started looking for that ninja

Jay: did you see where he went?

Cole: no, but I did hear a door close in *points to the left* that direction

Kai: then let's go

After that we went to the door that was closed, we opened it and found the kitchen, we then went to the next door and found the garage

Cole: y'all broke the door down didn't you?

Jay: we may or may not have used Zane

Lloyd: I told them we could take ether the back door or the garage door, but they didn't listen to me

After that we went to the last door, we tried opening it but it was locked then we had no other choice but to use Zane, I looked around a little bit and their was only one door to that room, we started slamming Zane into the door until it was open, once it was opened the ninja was panicking next thing I knew the ninja jumped out the window and started to run again, we went after him for about two hours near his house, I don't know why he was doing that, next thing I know the skeleton's from the underworld (I think that's what their call, I haven't seen this show in a while so I forgot, anyway back to the story, I'm almost done with this chapter) come and the purple ninja starts to fight them when all of a sudden one of them comes up from behind and knocks him out

After the guy past out we decide to jump in and stop them, after we kick a couple of their butt's they all ran off, we then later decided to take the past out man back to the school, we were going to unmask the guy when we tied him up, we wanted to keep the suprise for when we get back and when he's awake

When we got back sansei Wu congratulated us and told us to put him in the basement were he can't use his powers

We got him to the basement, put him in a chair and tied him up, after eight minutes they guy wakes up, he starts to struggle but stops when kai walks up

Kai: who are you, why did you help us and why were their skeleton's at your house?


Lilly (me): hey guys just wanted to know if your still enjoying the story and wanted to let you know that...

Nya: hey when am I going to get my own point of view?

Zane: and what about me, when am I also going to get mine Lilly?

Lilly: look I haven't even put sensei's or Misaku's point of view in yet, so just let me think of a good time

Zane and Nya: but...


Zane and Nya: sorry we won't do it again

Lilly: good, now,where was I... Oh yes that, I just wanted to tell you that both chapters content 1,000 words or more in them, so you can see that I have a good plan for some chapters

Lloyd: hey Lilly wanna play a video games with me, its Minecraft

Lilly: got to go guys, Lloyd wants to play with me, talk to you guys next time byyyye

Lloyd: LILLY

Lilly: COMING *runs to the other room*

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