the bad girl...falling in love

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I walk into the school with all eyes in me I know I’m really hot and all but there is no need to stare with my tanned skin, toned and full ass. I walked to the front desk to get my schedule but found a brunette Barbie in her mid thirties with fake boobs and probably liposuction.

"May I help you" she asked

"Ya I’m a new student and need my schedule" I reply

"And what is your name"

"My name is Anistasia.... Anistasia Johnson"

"Ah! Yes here you are" she said hesitantly. I don’t blame her this is my fifteenth school in three years, I get expelled for fighting... what can I say it’s the only way to get out my anger. And I have a lot, but it all started when I was ten


My mom was a drug addict while my dad abused physically and mentally, but he also raped me. One night my dad was drunk I was trying to sleep but then I heard a muffled scream from the living room. I walked out to see my mom clutching her stomach with my dad standing over her, when I saw that I grabbed the gun inside one of our drawers and shot him. A few minutes later my mom died of internal bleeding and her last words to me were

"Why couldn’t it have been you" then she died.


While I was walking down the hallway I bumped into someone, right when I was going to say sorry they hastily said

"Watch where you’re going dumbass"

And me being me I added

"Why don’t you make me asswhole" I looked into the girls eyes and looked how stunned she was that someone was talking back. I was guessing she is the queen bee, and no one talks to her like that... until me.

I walked over to room 15b, which happens to be English my favorite subject; I walked into the classroom and told the mid 50 year old teacher who I was.

"Oh! Class I would like you to meet our new student.... Anistasia Johnson"

I strided over to the back row near a brunette.

 "Hi" she blurted

"Hey" I answered

"My name is Christy"

"Oh hey, who is that girl in the front row" I asked

"Oh that is Amber, the school slut and head cheerleader"

"She seems like a...."

 "Bitch" she admitted

"Yah... I think we are going to become good friends “I told her

For the next three class periods we did nothing but work, luckily Christy was in every single one of my classes. After third period I went to lunch, I strided into the cafeteria like I owned the place. Christy and I walked over to a table where I saw a petite blonde girl and a hot brunette boy.

"Hey guys this is Anistasia" she introduced

"Hello, I’m Gabrielle" she whispered

"Hey foxy how u doing, I’m Brett but you can call me lover “he directed

"Oh shut up Brett, you’re a flirt" Christy yelled

"Hey, oh and Brett don’t even try your not getting in my pants I done “do" friends" I remarked

"So you're saying if we’re not friends we can have sex" he happily replied

"NO" I announced

the bad girl...falling in loveWhere stories live. Discover now