Where Is He?

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I was yelling for him but he never showed up!

I thought to myself- I knew this was a bad idea, I never should have trusted him!

So looking in all directions I couldn't remember where I came in or which way I was supposed to go!

So I looked and chose by best guess, I'll start to walk this way..........

After 20 minutes of walking I realized I could just use the map on my phone... So I reached into my pocket grabbed my phone and as soon as it entered maps. My phone died!

So I kept walking another 30 minutes across this wheat field and then brushed some cedar trees out of the way coming to Warnsclift road.

What?? I've never heard of this.

So I went to the nearest house and knocked on the door the old woman opened the door and said: hello hunny, may I help you with anything?

Yes I lost my way home, and...

Oh dear the woman said interrupting me. Cmon in make yourself at home, it's getting dark.

Thank you.....

Marie is my name the old woman said. And you?

My name is Bri, So umm do you have a phone I could use?

Sure hunny Marie walked over to her counter and grabbed the phone.

Dial 354 before you call the number please!

When I dialed the operator picked up and said; hello the number you have called is unavailable. Please try again later or press pound for more options.

I hung up.

Excuse me miss your phone doesn't work!

No it's you that doesn't work. She picked my up by my ear off her warm soft couch and made me leave and then whipped my backpack and coat at me!

Good day Bri. And don't you ever come back!

So I picked up my stuff and started running down the street. It was getting very dark outside.


A few hours later I was still walking and I went under an overpass layed down my backpack and went to sleep hoping that when I woke up this was all a dream........

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