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You-you do? He mumbled

Yes and I always have, but it's okay I see how it is, bye Gabe.

Bri I'm- I'm

Save it Gabe.

I walked to my front door and slammed it!

As I walked in my sister Carly said: where have you been it's been 2 days since I've seen you Bri I've been worried sick I thought you got kidnapped or something!

I'm sorry okay it's no big deal sister Carly.

I marched up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door and flicked the lock on.

I threw my things at the wall and before I knew it I had cried myself so sleep


Okay guys I know I promised that I would post a bigger update on the way, I've been in Florida for 6 days now but I've been really busy. I'm going to Busch Gardens tomorrow so I'll post when I can


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