Chapter -15-

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"Adam I'm going for a walk"

"Okay but don't be late for dinner" adam says

"Yes mother anything else" I chuckle

"And be careful" he kisses me

"Okay" and I go out closing the door behind he.

I take a beep breath smelling the beautiful smell of flowers.

I walk to the park that's right in front of our house and sit down, looking at the children playing.

Will we adopt kids? will adam even marry me? if he does what do I say, will I want to live with him all my life?

I lay down on the grass thinking about all the fun we had, my life is perfect, adam is my boyfriend, ashley is my best friend and now she is with her boyfriend on a date.

Adam took me to a date last week it was the best date, everything is so perfect.

Suddenly a cloth was placed on my face and I passed out.


Where is tommy? where could he be? think adam where is Tommy's favourite places.

Tommy is missing from yesterday he didn't come home we called the police we called everyone but there is no hope I don't know where he is.

"Adam don't worry we will find him" ashley rubs my back trying to comfort me.

"No it's not okay we don't know where he is" I snap at her "sorry"

"No it's ok I know how you are feeling" she says.

David Ashley's boyfriend is a policeman and he is helping us find him.

"Sorry adam but we can't find him anywhere we searched ever single place but we couldn't find him" he said.

I couldn't take it anymore I fell on the ground crying, this is a dream im going to wake up any minute now please this can't be happening this is all fake.

"Adam, adam are you okay? ADAM" ashley shakes me.

I get up and take a deep breath, I'm not going to cry and I'm going to find tommy.

Sauli, he must be the one he hates me and I'm sure he took tommy from me.

"Come with me" I say to David and get into the car.

I drive as fast as I can to sauli house if he dares to touch my tommy I will kill him into pieces make him wish that he was never born.

"Adam calm down" David says.

How the hell can I calm down when tommy is missing?.

I get out of the car and knock on the door and wait bit no answer I kick the door several times, then finally sauli opens the door, I pin him on the wall.

"Where is tommy?" I shout

"He is with you"

"No he is missing and you took him" I punch him

"Why the hell would I do that adam I maybe mean but I will not Kidnap tommy" he says looking into my eyes.

I punch him in his stomach, David comes and holds me.

"Adam leave him alone he did not do it"

"Yes he did I know he did"

"Come on adam let's go" David says.

"Im not leaving you alone sauli don't think you got away with it" I say and go to the car.

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