Chapter5: Is it weak-end or weak-ness

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Hanna's pov:-

What's better than a Saturday morning, huh? Nothing other than a Sunday one.

Every Saturday morning, I jog to the local park and back home. So that is my plan for today.

On my comfy bed, I stretched out and started to observe the environment before my eyes. My messy bedroom , I love you till the end of my days. One of the most impossible things in the world is me tidying my room.

I threw my legs away from bed, and dragged them with me to the bathroom. Woaaah , I looked at my reflection in mirror, and got terrified. My hair looked like there was a tornado on it. I realized then that I must take a shower.

Hair----->fixed into a pony tail
Sport clothes ----->worn
Tummy---->shit , I forgot to feed my baby.

I made my self burned pancakes. Yes ,burned , the recipe is so easy : mix the pancakes' components togather, put them on the pan then scroll through Facebook and , forget them. So easy right?


I got my dear phone out of my pocket along with my headphones as I locked my house's door.
"I know it breaks your heart,
Moving to the city in a broke down car and
4 years no call
Now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar and I I I can't stop , no I I I can't stooooop"
I hummed the song while jogging my way towards the park.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the rhythm that drew a picture full of feelings inside my head. When I opened them again, I saw a pair of shoes beside.

"Aaaaah", I screamed without glancing at whoever was beside me. After that loud scream , I slapped my self mentally. Why in Fuck's name was I scared? I took my headphones off of my ear, and saw who scared me half to death. Bryan.

"Umm, hey", he said with a smirk on his face that I wanted to erase.

"What do you want?", I asked still running.

"Can you stop for a sec?"

"No, if that what you want then you won't get it so go aw...", I was cut off when someone bumped into me, or should I say I bumped into a hard figure.

"Oooh, little Hitch, long time not seeing you", Oh no , out of 318.9 million people in the US , I bumped into this jerk. I looked away from his cruel eyes that were filled by darkness and evilness to Bryan's ones that were filled by bewilderment.

"Who is this , Hanna, do you know him?", I was in silence mode.

"Is she your whore for tonight, little bro?"

"What are you, fucking bastard saying ?"

"Hey, watch your tongue before I cut it"

"You won't dare to , cowered "

Next thing I saw was , Simon's hard fist thrown at Bryan. Now tears were racing on my cheekes as I saw the two boys fight.

"No, please , stop!", I shouted, but got no response as if like I was yelling at the wall, at least the wall would crack. Kicks, punches, cussing words, death glares continued to be thrown, untill mr. Walter -my neighbor- broke the fight.

Simon ran away with his swollen eye, and cut lip on.

"Thank you sir ", I said in between tears.

"No problem, Dian, but if he's bothering you again call cops"

"Okay, will do"

Mr. Walker went. I looked at the injured fellow beside me. His clothes had dust and cuts every where. His brown perfect hair was messy. Thank God nothing ruined his beautiful face.

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