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'This is the third time.' she complained silently.

She sighed.

Of course it wasn't going to last;

Nothing does.

But it's definite this time.

Although she couldn't complain, I mean, she's not dead at least..

'Well not yet.' she thought.

She stared out the window of the back seat of the car; sightseeing the new environment she would become used to.

She was angry, and upset. She was in this same situation again.

"Father. Where are we going?", she asked boredly, still staring out the window.

"To your Uncle's."

The car was silent once again. The two siblings in the back didn't dare to speak.

Their father contemplated angrily about the mess they were currently in.

After all, he did get them all into this predicament. Everything was gone; they had to sell all of their house decor and furnishing just to make a decent living. Not even a single chair was left.

Then he had to sell the house, and now look at where they are.

Yup, they were homeless. He put them in this shitty situation, on the road with nothing, but a few boxes of personal items in the truck.

Now, it was time for him to finally be a man and stick up for his actions.

So he spoke up, "I realized that I haven't been the best father.." he paused to clear the lump in his throat. "s-since your mother died two years ago. I know that we were all in pain, but I have never been there for you girls when you needed it the most. Not only did I loose a wife, but my daughters also lost a mother. I am a selfish bastard."

The car was silent. The youngest of the two sisters held her head low, while the eldest continued to stare out the window.

"I know I have a gambling problem, and this time.. I guess this is karma taking its toll on me." he chuckled dryly. "Our money is gone..again, but it's worse this time ... I need to make it up to you both, and also to your mother. I'm sorry, Hanabi and Hinata."

"It's okay." Hanabi spoke quietly, but Hinata remained silent.

"I understand Hinata, it may be harder to receive your forgiveness-"

"You're did get us in this situation."she spat. "You've left us with nothing! Me and Hanabi starved for days at a time, but I bet you were having the time of your life at the casino every night!"

Her father flinched slightly.

"Karma you say..oh please, if you didn't loose any of the money we had left, you would have still been busting your ass to go gamble. You've only realized how broke you are, not what's right."

The air grew cold. It was almost frightening.

"You have every right to be angry with me right now."

The car came to a red light and he stared at his eldest daughter  through the rear-view mirror ashamed with himself.

After a few minutes, Hinata sighed, the only thing that had remained audible for a quick second. "But.." she spoke, still glancing out the window.

"I've forgiven you a long time ago, no matter how badly you messed up." she finished as she finally took her eyes off the window and stared back at the mirror, giving him a half smile, as he returned it.

When Beauty Tamed the Beast Where stories live. Discover now