Chapter 5

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|Tom's p.o.v|
While Edd ran home I walked around the neighborhood yelling Matt's name I was at the edge of the neighborhood by now "MATT I'VE GOT YOU A MIRROR"I yelled then I herd a bang it sounded like a rifle so I ran home with no stopping
|Tord's p.o.v|
I laughed after I killed Edd he had it coming after all. I ran inside giggling like I was insane  but of course I wasn't insane! I had a plan if Tom didn't accept me. Then I remembered Edd had a cat! I decided to flip a coin to see if I kill Ringo and so I did. Today is my lucky day I get to kill Ringo if I killed Ringo Tom won't remember Edd and or Matt. So I grabbed a knife "Ringo always was my favorite" I giggled quietly "so he gets a fast unpainful death" I whisper shouted then I called Ringo and stabbed him to death then someone knocked "*TORD OPEN UP!*" Tom said
Then I opened the door "Tord w-what did you do?!" Tom asked scared he must have saw Ringo's corpse "d-did you... kill... RINGO?!" he yelled at me then looked at my bloody hoodie "Tom~ be mine and mine only" I said to him as I grabbed his hoodie's hoodie and pulled him  then I lost grip of his hoodie and then he ran off "so you want to play hide and seek?~ then lets play" I said to him

 RINGO?!" he yelled at me then looked at my bloody hoodie "Tom~ be mine and mine only" I said to him as I grabbed his hoodie's hoodie and pulled him  then I lost grip of his hoodie and then he ran off "so you want to play hide and seek?~ then lets...

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(A/N: one last chapter tbc)

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