Chapter 6

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Tom's p.o.v

I ran to Matt's room slamming it in tears, locking it and hiding under the bed Edd, Matt even the cat was dead just because of him! I knew something was fishy the moment Tord came to the apartment now that we live in a 'big house' theres more places to hide from the commie I couldn't even move or Tord might find out where I am.
Tord's p.o.v

"Oh Tom~" yelled as it echoed down the bloody hallway it was shaggy just like the one in my dream "TOM~" I yelled louder "if I find you I'll kill you~" I said giggling but the giggles soon turned to insane laughter but I'm not insane right then I heard a rifle I turned around and ran to Matt's room there was Tom with a rifle then he shot me and I blacked out
Tom's p.o.v

I can't believe I killed the commie! I mean I've been thinking of killing him for a while but Edd wouldn't let me
I was upset about Tord killing Edd, Matt and Ringo but I needed to know what provoked this so went to Edds room and saw a book. It was open so I decided to read it it said 'Dear Dairy blah blah blah blah Tom blah blah blah Matt blah blah
Blah blah blah
Edd' then I realized Tord was in love with me. I ran to my room and wrote three letters...

~the end~

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