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I pulled my buttoned  black peacoat tightly and wrapped my pink cashmere scarf around my neck and walked out the front door of my parents house. Snowflakes were dancing out of the pitch black sky. My black Mercedes was sitting stationary in the icy driveway calling me to drive it back home to the apartment back in the city. My car obviously stuck out here, I stick out here.

I only come into town 3 times a year. Thanksgiving , Christmas and Easter. The other 362 are spent in the city at work or at lavish dinner parties. A part of me is still missing this small town life were everyone loves you but then there's that part that hates it.

"I'm sorry I'm going to walk instead of drive." I whispered to the car as I carefully walked onto the snow covered sidewalk.

All the homes were decorated with twinkling Christmas lights. The families in the homes were all nestled in their beds anticipating Christmas. All the gifts a magic of the year running through the heads of the children.

I looked behind me and found my footprints leaving a small trail in the light fluffy snow. I was on a mission. There was some place important I had to go. Somebody I have to see.

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