Chapter 3

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Hey, everyone! And Happy Resurrection Sunday (if you celebrate it)! Today, you're getting an exciting update of "Elevator"! So, hit it, Crisper!

Crisper: (hits it)

"Okay, I'll start... again." Lukas said. "Um," he paused, thinking of a way to start their story. "Once... there was a cat named Bob." He said. (to DynamiteHunter6: There yah go)! He looked around the room, waiting for someone else (not Aiden) to add to the story.

"One day, Bob found a minecart." Maya said.

"A pink minecart, powered by cuteness." Olivia said.

"So, Bob went and found the cutest thing he could find." Jesse said.

Axel shot him a mischievous grin. "The cutest thing he could find was his adorable cat butt." He said, making the others, save Aiden and Gill, laugh.

"So, he sat in the minecart, which was powered by his butt." Lukas said. Now it was time to restart the rotation, so it was Maya's turn again.

"Bob rode into the city and met... a pirate."

"Named Petra." Everyone slowly looked at Olivia. She shrugged. "I'm sorry. It's the bandana."

"Okay," Jesse continued, "he met a pirate named Petra, but Petra got offended because he thought she was a pirate."

"So, Petra made him sit in timeout for five minutes." Axel said.

"But when he sat in the minecart, it started rolling off." Lukas said.

"It rolled into a cuteness-contest, one that Bob was gonna win." Maya added.

"And it won by showing off its adorable cat butt." Olivia said.

"The prize was a trillion dollars." Jesse said.

"And he wasted it on cheese." Axel said.

"But he used the cheese to build a Cheese-Orphanage for a bunch of cheese-kids."

"But on the opening day, the Cheese-Orphanage melted, flooding the town with cheese."

"To avoid government consequence, Bob rode away in his butt-powered minecart."

"To get revenge, Petra joined the CIA so she could hunt him down."

"But she drowned in cheese, so...."

"Her last words were: Cheese is in my mouth!"

"The end."

"But wait! There's more!"

"No, Olivia. There's no more." Jesse said.

A few minutes passed, but it felt like years as they waited, their feet growing sweaty and numb. Storytime wasn't doing its job of keeping them from the unbearable boredom. When was the power going to come back on? They could still hear the quiet rumble of rain outside, giving them their answer: Probably never.

"Guys," Lukas said, catching their attention, "Does anyone want cookies?" He asked, pulling one out of his pocket.

"Sure, if you have enough." Jesse said. The others said yes, as well. Lukas handed Jesse a cookie. Then Axel. Then Maya. Then Gill and Aiden. Then Olivia. Then Reuben. Then he pulled two for himself while they all stared on in surprise. Except for Gill, who glared.

"How come you get an extra cookie?" He muttered. Lukas shot him an apologetic look.

"Sorry. Here you go," he reached into his pocket to give Gill another cookie. Then Aiden. Then Axel. Then Maya. Then Olivia. Then Reuben. Then Jesse. When he was finished passing out the may cookies, he had a room full of gaping eyeballs staring him down. He squirmed a bit. "What? You guys want more?" He asked, reaching into his pocket. Before they could protest, he went around and handed everyone another cookie each. Man, they were selfish. Now they had three and he only had two. He reached into his pocket and grabbed another one for himself. But they were still staring. What was wrong with them? Were they really that hungry. He reached into his pockets again.

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