Waking Up and the Question

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-Ethan's POV-

I woke up to Y/n still sleeping... I don't know how much I can take it's been weeks since the incident... I miss her so much... I felt her grip tighten on my hand.. She started to scrunch her face... she waking up...

"NURSE NURSE!!" I exclaimed while getting up and running down the hall jumping with joy..

(30 minutes becfore you woke up)

-Y/N's POV-

I felt like I have been walking for days mindlessly around. I don't know what to do.. I don't know if I am dead or not. I have been hearing Ethan saying things telling me to come back... I miss him and I am putting him through pain... I have to get back to him somehow. 

"Hello darling...." a raspy voice said I looked behind me to see and old man inbetween two doors. The first one was a white door. With 4 big stained glass squares at the middle of the door. It was spotless... beautiful... The other one was a dark wooden door. It was chipped and stained. It had holes instead of glass. It looked gross... I looked up at the man once more and he spoke

"Child you must choose life or death... choose wisely though.... I am pretty sure your man needs you...if you want life take the white door or death which is the black door.." he said pointing to each door.. I stood there for a second.. After all this time and now I can see Ethan again... YES!!! I smiled at the man and whispered 

"Thank you" and took the handle of the white door and walked in.

(Present time)

I felt myself return to my body. Some one was holding my hand. I gripped it tight... it was smooth and I smelled his shampoo... I scrunched my face showing him I was wake and to get a nurse. I heard him get up and yelling for a nurse. I tried to smile and I opened my eyes.. I saw bright lights and the white walls.. huh now I know why that door was white. I heard him running back toward the room.. once he got to the door I saw him stand there staring at me.. I stared back and then remembered why I was here. I broke the connection and looked down ashamed.. I started to cry... I looked back up and he came running toward me.. he jumped into the bed and pulled my into his arms..

"P-please don't ever leave me again...... promise me..." he whispered his voice cracking in the middle of that sentence. I looked up at him and nodded. I kissed him passionately. He immediately kissed back. Once we pulled away he smiled as the nurse came in and gave me some medicine  and the clear to leave. I got into some of my own clothes... I then walked out of the hospital room into the waiting room. I slowly opened the door to it and that's when I saw them... Ethan,Mark, Amy, Kathrine, Makinna, my sister, and Tyler. I walked up to Tyler and he pulled me into his lap as I started to tear up again.... 

"Ty... where's Mom?" I asked him looking into his eyes. They soften and said 

"I called but she said she had to work and hopes your okay..." he said trailing off. I looked down and shut my eyes... My own mother didn't even cared if I died... I slowly got up and hugged everyone and told them I was sorry for making them sad.. I grabbed Ethan's hand and said 

"Let's go home blue boy..." I whispered and he nodded. We both then left and came home. I looked into our clean home then walked up to the bathroom.. where the incident happened.. it was clean. He must have cleaned it up himself.. I turned around and he hugged me then he started to speak 

"Y/n M/N Y/L/N I know you just woke up and probably not in the best mood.. but I was wondering if.." he paused and got down on one knee.... I started to tear up as he pulled out the box. I felt the wind get knocked out of me as he opened the box to show a beautiful blue diamond ring.

"Would be my player number two and accept the offer for your own tour along with Marks?" As soon as those words left his mouth I was full on crying and shook my head violently yes...

"One thousand times yes Ethan!!" I exclaimed as he got up and put the ring on my finger. I jumped up into his arms and he carried me into the bedroom. We the kissed passionately and he was about to take it further but of course I wanted to wait till after marriage... I stopped him and smiled evilly. 

"Not today blue boy!" And got up and went into the living room where Ethan of course pouted and followed. We sat down and fell asleep watching Stranger things.... 


        HELLO THERE MY LITTLE NOTES ITS BROOKALANA HERE!!!! Wow your awake and alive! Where will this marriag take you? How will ya tell the gang?? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! STAY FABULOUS!!! TOODLES!!!

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